Monday, December 13, 2010
This week the 5th graders took their first of three trips down to the Middle School science classroom to learn some science and get acquainted with Tr. Bailey. However, parts of class did not seem like science. After meeting the animals and participating in an activity on observation skills, students were given a paper cube with sides that had different colors, names, and numbers. Their task was to figure out what color, name and numbers would be found on the bottom without lifting the cube. Based on the colors observed, it was relatively easy to determine the bottom would be purple. However, the pattern to the name and numbers was a little more obscure. Students worked intently developing, testing and rejecting competing solutions to the puzzle. Breakthroughs were made when the scientists realized they could share information and discuss possibilities. It is unclear whether any one group got the complete answer but the activity was a complete success. A student wrote later in a journal entry “It was hard but we had so much fun doing that”.
The students had just participated in inquiry-based learning. They were using their observation, communication and reasoning skills to problem solve. Inquiry-based learning actively involves students in the exploration of the content. Activities and assignments are designed for students to solve problems, increasing student motivation. Inquiry activities in the classroom actively involve students in the learning process and give them the opportunity to learn the content and concepts by exploring questions and developing solutions. Inquiry-based learning gives students more opportunity to reflect on their own learning, and become better critical thinkers.
While spending time figuring out what the bottom of a cube looks like may not be essential, the mental gymnastics that were involved in the exercise develop each student’s skills for later assignments. I can’t wait to hear what Bailey has in store for them next week.
In the News:
Students from Teacher Nick’s class had an opportunity today to talk with members of the media who visited the school to learn more about the 4th Grade Pennies for Peace service project. A journalist from the Centre County Gazette interviewed the students about their work and the different subject areas used in the project. Channel 6 (WJAC – Centre County Report) captured some footage and spoke with the students as well. It is expected this will air on the 5:00 and/ or 6:00 news. The students handled themselves with maturity and ease as they very clearly articulated details about their work. Both journalists commented on their maturity and skill. Unfortunately, none of the banks we invited attended this morning’s media event as it sometimes goes, so teacher Dan and I who both had empty pockets to begin with, are picking through our desk drawers for some spare change!
Peace Choir Sings – The Peace Choir still has a few more dates lined up this season. We hope that everyone gets the opportunity to enjoy a performance this year.
Toys for Tots Ramada Inn Saturday, Dec.11 8:10-9:45 pm
School Holiday Sing School Tuesday, Dec. 21 1:45 pm
School Pictures – We took pictures of the K/1, 4th and 5th grade classrooms this week. The 2/3 are slated for Tuesday, the middle school is Wednesday and make ups are on Friday.
Toys for Tots Gift Wrapping – The after school program will be taking all interested 4th – 8th grade student volunteers to help wrap presents for Toys for Tots on Tuesday the 14th. Teachers Bailey, Nick and Diane will drive participating students over to the Penn Stater at about 3:30 and wrap until about 5:00 pm, then return students to the school to be picked up. Please look for signup sheet in today’s Friday folder.
Pizza Friday- Pizza is on the menu for next Friday the 17th. If you have not already ordered for your child and would like to, please contact Diane.
Free Winter Play Days – On Saturdays, Jan 22nd, February 19th and March 19th, from 9:30 to 11:30 AM The Friends School is hosting Saturday Play Days for children from 3-7 years old. The school‘s Community Room and a K/1 classroom will be open for supervised active and imaginative play. This is a great opportunity to bring a friend to the school and enjoy a morning out of the cold. Refreshments and snacks will be served. All are welcome. Please contact the school at (814) 237-8386.
Have a great weekend
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Dear Friends School Parents,
Dan’s off in DC for the weekend, so Lori and I are the substitute Headlines writers this week.
It was good to see so many of you over the course of our two parent-teacher conference days. I know that the teachers found their time with you to be of great value, and I trust that you felt the same.
I’d like to draw your attention to an upcoming event that you won’t want to miss. Friends School’s annual Thanksgiving observance---Thankful Tuesday---will be held on November 23. This event dates back to 1980, our very first year, and is one of the school’s most cherished traditions. Although the details have changed and evolved over the years, the Friends School community has always gathered on the day before Thanksgiving vacation to express our gratitude for our children, for our teachers, and for one another. We hope that each of you will join us this year and help us to extend and strengthen this important tradition.
On November 23 at 11:15, families are invited to bring along a brown bag lunch and join their children for lunch in the classrooms. Then, at 12 noon, we’ll all gather in the Community Room for brief, but very entertaining, presentations by each class, K-8. We’ll finish up with some group singing and some outdoor recess time if the weather allows. The festivities should end by about 1:00 and then we’ll continue with our regular classroom activities, dismissing at 3:20 as usual. The After School Program will be available that day, as well. However, if you have Thanksgiving travel plans and would like to get an early start, you’re welcome to take your child home with you at 1:00. Just be sure, please, to let your teacher know.
If you’ll have family or friends visiting for Thanksgiving, please bring them along for Thankful Tuesday. We expect a packed house for our class presentations, but there’s always room for one more.
SPICES - Thanks to all for a successful event.
Our SPICES of Life Gala held at the Atherton last Sunday was a success on several levels. The early evening social time for parents, grandparents and friends was well-received as recreation in its truest sense; a time to change from work wardrobe and gardening gloves into special occasion clothes, and to enjoy simple yet beautifully presented sweets and savories without needing to feed hungry little mouths. The music played by Andy Tolins and Tom Jordan was an acoustic feast! As the evening progressed, so did the urge to do some foot tapping and moving, just on the edge of dancing (we may want to consider this for another time). The backdrop of the Atherton Hotel, made even more intimate and special by the SPICES decorating committee, made the selection of donated goods and services look like the window displays of Tiffany’s at Rockefeller Center. New families were warmly welcomed, old friends talked of soccer, jewelry making and family plans for the holidays. Individuals invited from businesses and organizations in our community had an opportunity to learn more about Friends School and to learn how they might become more involved with the school in a number of ways.
Between ticket sales, sponsorships, cash donations and silent auction proceeds the event raised approximately $6000 for the Scholarship Fund. An impressive amount considering that the 3rd Annual SPICES celebration was just held in March. The decision to officially move the yearly event to fall and to host a “second” 3rd Annual SPICES event -- if that’s possible – was an experiment of sorts and it worked. It worked because of the generosity and help of families, businesses and community members who seek to live with and enjoy SPICES in life – the Quaker testimonies of Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Community, Equality and Stewardship. We have much to celebrate!
Enjoy photos of the event taken by Sabine Carey (Mattie’s mom) using the following link.
Sync-a-Palooza: Several songs have been submitted, teachers and kids have been rehearsing, costumes have been considered, and everyone is excited for this Friday afternoon, November 15. We hope many of you will be able to join us at 4:00 for what is certain to be an entertaining afternoon, as well as an opportunity to say a final goodbye to Abby before she makes her move to Massachusetts. If you are performing, be sure to bring in your music next week. and remember, contributions of refreshments will be welcomed.
Thanksgiving Vacation: No school on November 24, 25, and 26. We’ll be back in session on Monday, November 29.
Have a terrific weekend!~
Mary Ziegler
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Halloween Last week I wrote about silence nothing could be further from reality this week. The spirit of Halloween spirit has taken its stranglehold on our school again this year. Thanks to many old and new parent volunteers for making this year’s Halloween celebration highly scary and enjoyable.
On Wednesday, we were treated to an unexpected visit from Baba Yaga. She was her usual disgusting self, drinking toilet water, dancing on tables, and encouraging children to scream. Personally, I am grateful for Teacher Nick as he became the “new boyfiend” for Baba Yaga (she prefers taller men).
Friday, the students arrived to a decorated lobby complete with body parts, cauldrons, and spooky sounds. After Meeting for Worship, Baba Zaa Zaa appeared to wreak her own brand of havoc on your children. Screaming and running in the hallway became the order of the morning as the students enjoyed their visits with the stooped, potato nosed, witch.
After lunch, the students got into their costumes and formed a parade of ghosts, ghouls, witches, villains and goblins. We went to Foxdale Village and showed the residents our scariest sides. Despite our best efforts to scare the residents, we received a warm and loving welcome at Foxdale. Go figure. Once the parade was completed, every classroom held a party with treats and fun supplied by teachers and parents.
Halloween is one of the most memorable traditions we have at Friends. It is a special time and continues only through the efforts of our parents and the school community. I would like to thank all the volunteers who work each year to make this day a wonderful adventure for our children. I have the benefit of seeing them throughout the day and if you could see the expressions on their faces, you would be as convinced as I am that this day adds to the magic that is Friends School. Thank you.
SPICE –SPICES is next week. We will be at the Atherton Hotel on Sunday November, 7th from 4 -7 pm. This is a fun early evening for parents to meet, share conversation, enjoy some music, participate in a wonderful silent action and support the school. Free childcare will be provided at the School. Please make plans to come.
Love Reading- Pat and Kathleen Shannon, professors of Language and Literacy, will be providing a workshop entitled Developing Lifelong Readers on Tuesday, November 9th at 7:00 pm. This event is for any adult who wants to instill good reading habits in children of all ages. The workshop will take place in the Community Room and is open to the public. Childcare will be provided. We have attached the flyer to this email; please post it at your workplace.
Bring a Friend – We will be hosting our first Bring a Friend to School Day next Friday, November 5th. Look for details in your child’s Friday Folder. The flyer is also attached here.
Friday Lunches – Friday Lunches are back! Yea! Look for the flyer in this week’s Friday Folder or download the attachment.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
A Vibrant Silence and SPICES
I often talk about the exciting things that happen at Friends School, but this week I want to share the quiet. I had the opportunity to visit several classrooms this week and I was struck by the amount of silence that does occur in this school. It is not the silence of students slipping into a stupor but the productive silence that often accompanies people who are focused on the task at hand.
In Teacher Kelly’s room there is sustained independent reading almost every day. I spent twenty minutes there watching Kelly, Assistant Teacher Elli, and teacher intern Karen float around offering help and encouragement to the students who were spread about the room reading. During math, Teacher Sunna’s group was taking a math test (yes, we do test in Friends) and the silence from the group was complete and sustained despite a rather energetic lesson being held on the other side of the room with Tr. Elli.
The following day, I traveled down to the middle school to catch part of Teacher Christy’s Language Arts Class. Again the quiet was palatable. Students were on computers and at their desks, writing. Some were writing speeches, others were writing poems and still others were composing informative pieces. These were all part of the middle school’s writing curriculum. In my twenty minutes I heard hardly a word, just the sound of keys tapping and pencils being pushed across the page.
Later that day, I passed some of Teacher Tim’s students quietly reading on the hallway couches as I entered Teacher Nick’s classroom. The room felt warm, smelled of herbs, and soft music could be heard. I found the students writing in their journals while enjoying cups of tea. They are currently reading Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin. Nick is using real experiences to reinforce the concepts in the book. In any case, it made for an engaging and productive writing time.
Throughout the week, I was able to observe our school at its quiet best. The importance of reading and writing throughout the school is evident through the many hours that are devoted to these activities and by the focus of the students. Therefore, it came as only a mild surprise to me that a larger school library was one of the top priorities identified by the 5-8th grade students during their school visioning session yesterday afternoon. Silence can be golden, but it also can be vibrant.
S.P.I.C.E.S of Life Gala at the Atherton Hotel on Sunday, November, 7th from 4 -7 pm. This is an early evening social for parents and community members to meet over sumptuous local food and beverage features and to enjoy music and silent auction offerings. It is a celebration of the S.P.I.C.E.S. in our community – Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Community and Stewardship. If have never attended this signature event, you don’t know what you’re missing! (FREE childcare will be offered this year.) Families who have attended in the past can help our new families to feel involved by encouraging them to attend and introducing them to others in the community.
Bring a Friend to School Day – Mark your calendars for Friday, November 5th. The SCASD is closed and we will use this day as an opportunity for your child to invite a friend to school for the day and to have other families become familiar with what the Friends School has to offer. Guests need to be registered. Please call the school for more information.
Love Reading? – Penn State education faculty members Pat and Kathleen Shannon, will present a workshop entitled Developing Lifelong Readers on Tuesday, November 9th at 7:00 pm. This event is for any adult who wants to instill good reading habits in children of all ages. The workshop will take place in the Community Room and is open to all. Invite a friend!
Conference Days – Parent Teacher Conference Days are on Thursday and Friday, November 11 and 12th. Please call the school to arrange an appointment with your child’s teacher.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
A good week of school, a sad week for dogs
This has been a fabulous Friday. The K/1 classrooms are making all sorts of treats with the apples they harvested on their field trip to Tait Farms on Tuesday. This morning, the students and teachers were busy coring, peeling and cooking all those apples into some delicious pies and fruit chews. Teacher Nick has become Mrs. Jewels the teacher and the rest of the class has taken on the personas of various characters in the book, Sideways Stories from Wayside School. Truly Wacky. And finally, the all-school Field Day was a big hit. Thanks to all the middle school students who worked this week to set up and run the activities for the rest of the school.
This Monday when I woke up my little buddy, Duke the dachshund, was sleeping at my feet. His breathing was steady but labored. I woke him from his slumber and took him outside. He did his business and with a flash of youth, skittered back up the steps and into the house for breakfast, just part of the morning routine. Shortly afterwards, I found him on the couch gasping for breath. Apparently, the rush to the house and vigorous eating was all he could stand. Duke left us soon afterward.
That evening, we buried him in our backyard and held a simple ceremony of thanks.
Duke was over ten years old and was diagnosed with congestive heart failure last May. He had been struggling lately and spent Saturday day and night at the vet. This was stressful for all and we were glad that he was well enough to come home on Sunday morning. We all spent a restful day at home. Having that last Sunday at home to enjoy each other’s company for one more day turned out to be the best gift we could have hoped for. Somewhere there is a lesson in this and I’m not sure how to express it exactly but I feel it may have to do with taking the time for the simple enjoyment of others. These are the memories that last. I will remember the Dukester kindly.
Teacher Nick’s dog continued his exciting and heartbreaking ways this week. On Monday, he managed to push his way out of the classroom and set us all off on a wild and wooly search. Despite being hobbled by a serious leg injury, Tito easily eluded us for places unknown. The class came together quickly to brainstorm ideas to find Tito. Before the end of the day, flyers were made and hung, local vets were notified, and many students, parents and bus drivers were enlisted in the search. While we are still looking for Tito, I am very proud of the 4th grade students’ resourcefulness and compassion.
Potluck Tonight – Our all-school potluck is tonight from 5:30 to 7:30 pm in the community room. Potlucks are a wonderful way for our community to come together in a relaxed and informal manner. Bring the whole family, a dish to share and your own place settings. Teacher Abby (afterschool) and
Rebecca (yoga) will be on hand to lead us in some group fun and stretching. We hope you will join us.
Kids Day Downtown - Look for our booth at the Downtown State College Kids Day Festival in Central Parklet on Saturday October 2nd. Tr. Lori and our middle school students will be on hand with crafts and activities for kids to enjoy. The festival includes food and other activities and runs from 10:00 am – 3:00 pm. See the attachment for more information.
In-Service Day – Friday, October 15th is an in-service day for our teachers and there will be no school that day. The school will offer childcare and after-school programs on that day. Parents needing childcare should make arrangements at the front desk.
S.P.I.C.E.S – Mark your calendars for our annual Spices Event. Sunday November, 7th from 4-7 PM. This is a fun early evening for parents to meet, share conversation and good times. Please make plans to come.
Soccer – Our school soccer clinics are going strong. They are now open to students from 3rd grade and up. Come on out and have fun while learning skills and rules. Every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30 to 4:45 PM.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Peaceful Singing
Thanks to all the parents who attended Back to School Night. We had a large turnout this year and it was great to see the interest and enthusiasm of both our new and returning parents. Parents in Teacher Kelly’s class met their flat children and received an assignment. Parents in Teacher Nick’s classroom heard the sad saga of his dog, Tito, and learned how it has brought out the best in his students as they take turns caring for Tito; making him comfortable and reading him to sleep each morning (the sedatives help). Once again, thanks to all of you for taking such a strong interest in your children’s education. It is a hallmark of a quality school.
Tuesday was the In
Today, I was on desk duty while the school was in Meeting for Worship. I was using the quiet time to catch up on some email when I heard it. The sound of children singing was flowing from the Community Room. Neither too loud nor too soft, it was a sweet and gentle. I could hear all the students and teachers singing and it struck me how all the different individual voices could blend together to form a sound that was so soothing to the ears. Maybe we all should sing together more often.
Potlucks – The all-school potluck is scheduled for Friday, October 1st from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. Potlucks are a wonderful way for our community to come together in a relaxed and informal manner. Everyone is invited to participate. Dinner will begin at 6 pm. Please bring a dish to share and place settings for your family. We are hoping to have some organized activities for families after dinner. As always, we will need a few families to help with setup and several families to help with clean up. Parents are also needed as playground monitors on both sides of the buildings. We hope you can sort yourselves out and have these areas covered.
Parent Coffee – A parent coffee is scheduled for this Thursday, September, 30th in the Library. This is a way for parents to ask questions and receive more information about the school, its programs and resources in an informal atmosphere. Please make plans to join us. Opening topic for discussion is Quaker Education Practices.
Kids Day - Look for our booth at the Downtown State College Kids Day Festival in Central Parklet on Saturday October 2nd. Tr. Lori and our middle school students will be on hand with crafts and activities for kids to enjoy. The festival includes food and other activities and runs from 10:00 am – 3:00 pm. See for more information.
In-Service Day – Friday, October 15th is an in-service day for our teachers and there will be no school that day. The school will offer childcare and after-school programs on that day. Parents needing childcare should contact the school by phone or email to make arrangements.
Please have a wonderful weekend and sing a song.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
What a week! The first days of school have been going so smoothly. It is a treat to see the older students in the classrooms helping our new students become acclimated, and to hear about the older students on Bus 1 assisting new kindergarten students to board the bus and make it safely into school. It is always heartwarming when you witness the values we share come together in our children.
At school, our week started on Monday with our staff in-service days. For two-and-one-half days we worked together on coordinating school practices, discussing ways to foster Quaker values and educational practices, and making community service meaningful. We also started a staff review of our school’s curriculum. This year, through a process of sharing classroom practices, standards and expectations, our staff will update our school’s writing curriculum.
Yesterday I heard a “This I Believe” essay from former Friends School student Dizzy Farbanish entitled I Believe in Learning from the Past. Dizzy wrote a wonderful piece citing how past experiences have shaped him and how he has grown from them. In that essay, he mentions a teacher who made a big impression on him. That teacher was our own Tr. Tim Austin. What a great thing for a teacher to be recognized in the good works of a former student. You can read (or hear) the rest of the essay at:
Potlucks – Two potlucks are scheduled this fall. A potluck for the K/1 classes will be held on Friday, September 10th from 5:30 to 7 pm. This supper is a way for our new parents to meet and begin forming a parent classroom community. An all-school potluck is scheduled for Friday, October 1st from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. Potlucks are a wonderful way for our community to come together in a relaxed and informal manner. Both events will be held in the Community Room. We hope you will join us.
Back to School Night – Our annual Back to School Night is scheduled for Thursday, September 23. Please save the date as it will be an excellent time for you to find out about Friends School and become familiar with your child’s classroom and teachers. Look for more information about this event in the coming weeks.
Please have a wonderful and safe Labor Day Weekend
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Headlines, June 1, 2010
Pictures Please...
As many of you know, the camping trip featured wonderful weather, happy children, campfires, and lots of talent. Thanks to all the teachers and parents who helped to make this annual excursion a success.
With the camping trip and the gorgeous weekend, it is not hard to imagine that summer is right around the corner.
Graduation –Our graduation ceremony is scheduled to begin at 10:00 am on Thursday. Over the past several weeks, our graduates have been working on decorating their chairs, practicing their songs and honing their speeches. This production will feature remarks by Mary and the teachers, singing by our school’s Peace Choir and our graduates’ speeches. It is always a very uplifting event and I encourage everyone to come and see for yourselves.
Dismissal on Thursday is at 12:00 noon.
Pictures, Please! – Parents who have taken pictures during field trips, the camping trip, other school events or in the classroom are asked to share your best ones with the school. Please drop them off via a disc or thumb drive and we will put them our storage drive. Your pictures will help us to develop an end- of- year DVD for the school.
Yard Sale Reminder – Don’t forget, our Yard Sale will be held on Saturday, June 12. You are welcome to start dropping items off any time after 1:00pm this Thursday. We are still looking for helpers next week for sorting and pricing and of course to help out on the day of the sale. Also, keep an eye on your email for posters that you can distribute, and be sure to tell your friends, neighbors and family about the sale.
Happy Last Week!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Headlines, May 14, 2010
Today our K/1 students are spending the day at Bald Eagle State Park. The 2nd and 3rd graders are at the Carnegie Science Center in Pittsburgh. And, our 7th and 8th grade kids won’t return from New Orleans until tomorrow evening. The 4th, 5th, and 6th graders who remain here have taken advantage of the day and all the empty space. They joined forces for a wonderfully wild Capture the Flag game at recess, using every inch of the building and grounds. But I think we all look forward to Monday when we’ll have everyone back in one place…until Tuesday when the 4th graders leave for DC. ‘Tis the season, I suppose.
Cook-Out: We’ll be providing lunch for the kids on Monday, so pack a snack as usual, but there’s no need to send lunch. We’ll be doing an all-school cook-out, rain or shine. (We’ll have a cook-in if necessary.)
Class Plays: We have four class plays scheduled for next week, and you’re invited to any or all:
Monday, May 17 Teacher Tim’s 4th Grade Class
Wednesday, May 19 Teacher Kelly’s 2nd/3rd Grade Class
Thursday, May 20 Teacher Lisa’s K/1 Class
Friday, May 21
All performances begin at 1:00 p.m. and will take place in the Community Room.
Graduation: All parents are invited to attend our graduation ceremony on Thursday, June 3 at 10:00 a.m. Please come and help us send off this special group of graduates with the best wishes of their entire school community. They would appreciate your presence.
Camping Trip: Your camping trip letter is probably in your mailbox today, or it will be there tomorrow. It would be great if you’d take the time to read it this weekend and then get your forms back to us next week. I apologize for the short turn-around time, but Camp Blue Diamond is requesting our head count early this year.
After School Activities: Please remember that MOST of the After School activities ended this week. There will still be one more cooking class on Friday, May 21 due to the cancellation during Fun Fair week, and there is one final Rocket Club session on Monday, May 17.
The weekend weather looks perfect. Enjoy yourselves!
MaryMonday, May 10, 2010
Headlines, May 7, 2010
Bravado, New Orleans and Summer Cleaning Crew
Let’s talk about confidence at Friends School. I am always pleased and amazed about the way many of our students handle their interactions with adults and their peers. For example, this morning first grade student, Noah Gehman, sauntered up to Mary and me at the front desk and, without a hint of shyness, announced in a very casual tone, “I got a check for you guys” and handed over an envelope. Yesterday in the library, I watched many of our 2nd and 3rd grade students recite poems they’d written themselves to their classmates, teachers and parents. They all spoke clearly and with a certain amount of bravado that let you know they were enjoying the experience. Later in the day, the middle school students and I spoke openly about the day’s physical education class and, using Quaker principles, came up with activities that could be enjoyed by all. I believe that it is the school’s emphasis on listening to all voices that helps our students to speak their minds.
The 7/8 class leaves tomorrow morning on our week-long service trip to New Orleans. While current plans are to help with the revitalization of the city, we are prepared to help wherever we can. Look for posts and pictures from the trip next week.
Camping Trip – The annual all-school camping trip is scheduled for May 27 and 28. Please look for the letter from Mary with all the details next week.
May School Lunches – Due to the large number of field trips that are occurring on Fridays in May, we will have to do some juggling of the school lunch schedule. Please consult your teacher’s classroom newsletter for details.
Positions Available
As Beth completes her time as the school’s Director of Development, we have begun the search for her replacement. I have attached the job description to this email. It is a demanding and rewarding position. Interested candidates should submit a resume, cover letter, and three references to me at the school
We are also seeking help for the school’s annual summer cleaning crew. There is much to do and these positions are perfect for those who enjoy cleaning, gardening, painting and minor repairs. Please contact Diane with your interest. Positions run June through August.
Please enjoy the weekend
Friday, April 30, 2010
Headlines, April 30, 2010
Fun Fair, Camping, Graduation and Special 4th graders!
Mary and I were in the 4th grade classroom this morning observing a teaching candidate and I was proud of the way our students welcomed him into the class and school. They wore name tags and were respectful of the new teacher. During the lesson, the students were eager to share and became very interested in the activities that were presented. In the end, we all learned a great deal. Hats off to the 4th grade students for their kindness.
First things first. It ‘s time for the Fun Fair! - Need we say more? Wonderful weather is on tap and so are sprinklers for the kids. Please come out and enjoy yourself and our special Friends community tomorrow, May 1, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thanks to all of you who have helped already in so many ways.
Camping Trip – The annual all-school camping trip is scheduled for May 27 and 28. Please look for the letter from Mary with all the details soon.
Graduation – We’ll be graduating a very special 8th grade class this year and we invite all of you to join us as we say good-bye. Graduation ceremonies will be held on Thursday, June 3 at 10:00 a.m. All Friends School students will attend and all parents are encouraged to come, too.
May School Lunches – Due to the large number of field trips that are occurring on Fridays in May, we will have to do some juggling of the school lunch schedule. Please consult your teacher’s classroom newsletter for details.
See you at the Fun Fair!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Headlines, April 23, 2010
Gracious Students and Some Goodbyes
I was a little under the weather this week and found myself at home for a few days. However, in my brief time at school I was able to witness some wonderful happenings. This morning, as I was making coffee in the kitchen, I saw Christopher Fletcher and Jane Biddle open the door and greet everyone as they entered the building. At the end of the day, I saw Kaliey, Maya, Beebs, and other older students intently sharing books with their reading buddies. Open doors and the sound of a whole school reading is good for what ails you.
When I first became head of school, one of the most pressing issues was the development office. We were six months without a development director and the cracks were beginning to show. Beth Giles, who was a member of the board and development committee, took on the additional role of helping with the search. Through our numerous conversations on the position and its responsibilities, it became obvious to me that we did not have to look too far for our new director. We both saw areas where she could make a difference. And she has made a wonderful difference. We are very grateful for her efforts to bring our development focus back to life. However, she never intended to make a long-term commitment and after having focused her work on specific areas in the last year and a half, she now feels it is a good time for the development office to be turned over to someone new while she returns to her former area of expertise in information systems. Fortunately, Beth will be here through the school year and will remain a local advisor and supporter of Friends education. When you see her, please take a moment to say thank you for all of her hard work.
We also say goodbye today to Nicole and Skye, two PSU students who did their classroom placement in Teachers Dorothy’s and Teacher Tim’s classrooms. It was a great experience for them and for our students. We wish them the best of luck in their future endeavors.
Fun Fair – Our annual Fun Fair is almost here. Now is the time to be visualizing warm sunny weather. Please contact Diane at the front desk to sign up. Fun Fair is scheduled for Saturday, May 1, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Field Trips – Several field trips are scheduled during the remaining weeks of school. Almost every class has a destination this month. The younger grades will be more local while the 5/6 class is scheduled for a trip to Ithaca for science and nature next week. During the week of May 9th, our 7th and 8th graders will be on a service trip to New Orleans. Look for email updates from them during their adventure.
Camping Trip – The annual all-school camping trip is scheduled for May 27 and 28. Please look for the letter from Mary with all the details soon.
May School Lunches – Due to the large number of field trips that are occurring on Fridays in April and May, we will have to do some juggling of the school lunch schedule. Please consult your teacher’s classroom newsletter for details.
Please enjoy your weekend
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Headlines, April 16, 2010
Weights, FUN FAIR, and Broadway!
This past week, I had the pleasure of observing the third grade math class with Teachers Kelly and Rebecca. The students are studying measurement and today they were getting familiar with units of weight. An introductory problem was written on the board and the teachers used it to engage the students in a discussion about which units of weight they were familiar with. Terms like ton, pound, ounces, grams and stones were brought up and the students shared their ideas on when those units might be used. Later they split into small groups of 5 – 7 students and Kelly and Rebecca led each group through a lesson in their Everyday Math book. Using small groups ensured that every student participated in the discussion. I especially like the amount of discussion that the groups engaged in as they came to a good understanding of solving the day’s problems dealing with weight.
The annual meeting of the Board of Trustees was held last Tuesday and over 20 parents attended. After introductions and questions, we all got right to work. Parents were divided into groups and asked to think about the school and its future. We received many helpful comments and suggestions regarding our educational program, staffing, school culture, and community relations. The input supplied by our parents will be used by the Board of Trustees and administration when we take on strategic planning in the coming school year. Thanks to all the parents who attended for your work and insights. For those of you who still wish to participate, we will schedule another session early next year.
Open House – Our next Open House is this Friday, April 23rd from 9:30 to 12 noon. Please help spread the word. If you can volunteer some time as a tour guide, let Mary know.
Fun Fair – Our annual Fun Fair is almost here. Now is the time to be visualizing warm sunny weather. There are still some volunteer time slots that need to be filled, so please contact Diane at the school to sign up. Silent Auction items can be dropped of at the front desk any time now, and don’t forget to start thinking about your contribution to the Bake Sale! The Fun Fair is scheduled for Saturday May 1, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Broadway at Friends – As many of you are aware, May is theater month at Friends. Here is a listing of performances for May. All show times are at 1 P.M.
Monday, May 10 Tr. Rebecca’s 2/3
Wednesday, May 12 Tr. Dorothy’s K/1
Monday, May 17 Tr. Tim’s 4th grade
Wednesday, May 19 Tr. Kelly’s 2/3
Thursday, May 20 Tr. Lisa’s K/1
Friday, May 21 Tr. Christy and Bailey’s Upper School
May School Lunches – Due to the large number of field trips that are occurring on Fridays in April and May, we will have to do some juggling of the school lunch schedule. Please consult your teacher’s classroom newsletter or the web site for details.
Enjoy the blooms at the school.
Headlines, April 9, 2010
What a week! For some reason, spring is always accompanied by an increase in activity at school and this year is no different. We started this week with Grandparents, Friends, and Family Day and ended with the upper school’s creative costume elective class providing a show in the hallways. In between those events were several class field trips, a hot lunch, and our annual Curriculum Night. Thanks to everyone who made this week a special one at the school.
We send special thanks this week to everyone who helped us with a most successful Grandparents, Friends, and Family day. Thanks to the Farahani family for the donation of our Subway lunch, to the parents who helped with set-up and clean-up, to the upper school students who folded and unfolded every table and chair that we own, and to those of you who donated your spring flowers for our table arrangements. We had a wonderful day and we loved hosting such gracious visitors.
Two events that involve some of our staff are on the horizon. Tr. Lisa’s husband, Chris, is performing in Hair this weekend at Schwab Auditorium and Lu Ann Shaffer, our K-4 music instructor, will be directing the Nittany Valley Children’s Choir in a performance on Monday, April 12th, at the Pasquerilla Spiritual Center at 7:30 p.m.
Please come to the Annual Meeting – The Board of Directors will be hosting its annual meeting on Tuesday, April 13th at 7pm. This year’s meeting will focus on developing a vision and strategic plan for the school. Input from the school community is vital to this process and all are encouraged to attend. There will also be an opportunity to meet the board and ask questions about the state of the school. Child care will be available at no charge. Please let us know if your children will be attending.
Open House – Our next Open House is Friday, April 23rd from 9:30 to 12 noon. Please help spread the word. We’ll also be looking for a few volunteers to help with the tours.
Fun Fair – Our annual Fun Fair is approaching quickly! Now is the time to be visualizing warm, sunny weather. Please contact Diane to sign up for your volunteer slot. We can find a job just for you, one that suits both your talents and your schedule. The Fun Fair is scheduled for Saturday, May 1, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. It’s a great day for kids and families, but we need the help of all parents to make it work. If you will be unavailable on the day of the fair, check in with Diane, as there are several pre-fair jobs available as well! Please be part of this year’s fun!
Inservice Day and Child Care – Friday, April is an inservice day for our teachers. There is no school that day, but there will be child care available from 8am to 5:30pm. Please let us know by Wednesday, April 14 if you would like your child to participate in child care for all or part of the day.
Diane would like to attend part of the inservice training that day, and is looking for a volunteer to answer phones from 9am to noon. If needed, child care would be available at no charge.
“Dine In” at Harrisons – Don’t forget about this delicious fundraiser! “Dine In” with Friends School at Harrison’s Wine Grill during the weeks of April 5-17. Bring along friends and family, and enjoy a meal that benefits our school. Harrison’s Wine Grill, which is owned by former school parents and long time Friends School supporters Harrison Schailey and Kit Henshaw, will donate 20% of your check before taxes and tip back to the school. There is no limit to the number of times you can go or the number of people who can join you! Simply mention the Friends School, and you can enjoy your meal even more knowing that you are also helping our school!
May School Lunches – Due to the large number of field trips that are scheduled for Fridays in April and May, we will have to do some juggling of the school lunch schedule. Please check our web site or consult your teacher’s classroom newsletter for details.
Have a safe and enjoyable weekend
Friday, April 9, 2010
Headlines, April 2, 2010
I was just informed that the upper school used book sale raised $647.00 for the earthquake victims in Haiti. Thank you to all who donated books and to the students for working on this important fundraiser. Special thanks to Teachers Christy and Bailey for their extra efforts this past weekend. This week, the 7/8 grade class also received airline tickets for their service trip to New Orleans. The students are currently learning about Hurricane Katrina and the relief efforts that are still needed. They are psyched to go and help.
What fun it was this week to watch our school take advantage of the warm and sunny weather. There have been lots of happy faces. It may be OK to take your snow boots and snowsuits home now.
Grandparents, Friends, and Family Day – Our annual Grandparents, Friends, & Family Day is this Monday, April 5th. All grandparents and special friends of students are invited to visit our classrooms that morning and then join us for lunch in the Community Room at noon. This is a great way to visit the school and learn about what goes on in the classrooms. It is a special day for everyone. Friends and family are welcome to arrive anytime after 9:00 a.m. and to stay for lunch with their special student. Our guests’ lunch will be provided by Subway, courtesy of the Farahani family. Students should bring their normal packed lunches on Monday.
Dine-In at Harrison’s – If you enjoy breakfast, lunch, or dinner at Harrison’s, anytime from April 5-April 17, 20% of your check (before taxes and gratuity) will benefit Friends School. There’s no limit to the number of times you can participate. All you have to do is mention the Friends School Dine-In when it’s time to pay your bill. Harrison’s is located in the Hilton Garden Inn at 1221 E. College Ave. It’s owned by Kit Henshaw and Harrison Schailey, former school parents and long-time supporters. Thanks to them for making this possible. See you at Harrison’s!
Curriculum Night –Curriculum Night is next Thursday, April 8th from 7 to 8 p.m. This year we will be focusing on our social studies/theme curriculum. Teachers have planned many fun activities and all families are invited to visit as many classrooms as they wish during the evening. This is a great way to learn about the social studies/theme curriculum at Friends. Please come. This is a family event and students are encouraged to attend along with their parents.
Annual Meeting – The Board of Directors will be hosting the annual meeting for the school on Tuesday, April 13th at 7pm. This is your chance to meet the board and ask questions about the state of the school. This year’s meeting will focus on developing a vision and strategic plan for the school. Input from the community is vital to this process and all are invited to attend and participate.
Open House– Our next Open House is Friday, April 23rd from 9:30 to 12 noon. Please help spread the word.
Food Bank – We would love to make one more delivery to the Food Bank this year. You can see their most current list of needed items at http://www.
May School Lunches – Due to the large number of field trips that are occurring on Fridays in April and May, we will have to do some juggling of the school lunch schedule. Please consult your teacher’s classroom newsletter for details.
Please enjoy the warm weather and Let’s Goooooooo Mountaineers!
Headlines, March 31, 2010
I wish to inform the community that our beloved librarian and assistant teacher, Laura Kemper, has decided to retire after this year. For over eight years, we have enjoyed her company and have been the beneficiaries of her tremendous efforts to make the library more organized and accessible. Laura was responsible for implementing an electronic catalogue system for our collection. While we will miss her here, we are also happy for her as she will now have the opportunity to pursue her other interests.
Art is alive and well at Friends. There is an all-school display in the front lobby entitled “One Fish, Two Fish” that is based on the Dr. Seuss book. There are several imaginative pages and it is worth a look. Also, the 7/8 grade students have painted a “stained glass” mural on our front windows. The Quaker testimonies acronym “SPICES” is creatively painted and defined.
Curriculum Night – We have rescheduled Curriculum Night to April 8th from 7 to 8 p.m. This year we will be focusing on our social studies/theme curriculum. Teachers have fun activities planned and all families…parents and students, too… are invited to visit as many classrooms as they wish during the evening. This is a great way to learn about the social studies/theme curriculum at Friends. Please come.
Annual Meeting – The Board of Directors will be hosting the annual meeting for the school on Tuesday, April 13th at 7pm. This is your chance to meet the board and ask questions about the state of the school. This year’s meeting will focus on developing a vision and strategic plan for the school. Input from the community is vital to this process and all are invited to attend.
Open House – Our next Open house is Friday, April 23rd from 9:30 to 12 noon. Please help spread the word! We’ll also be looking for a few volunteers to help with the tours.
May School Lunches – Due to the large number of field trips that are occurring on Fridays in April and May, we will have to do some juggling of the school lunch schedule. Please consult your teacher’s classroom newsletter for details.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Headlines, March 19, 2010
Spices, Ticks, and Ketchup
I hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather. Dare I say that spring is here?
Most weeks, I usually write something about your students and the great things that they study or do. This week I want to write about another great part of our school --- you. Every week numerous volunteers give us their time and energy to make this school great. Tinka Berger is our go-to substitute, Laura White tutors in math and answers phones, Barbara Voight can be found each morning at the copier, and Toby Short provides math enrichment and solar car help for our upper school students. We have parents helping with field trips and special activities; the food crew serves hot lunches and pizza; PSU student volunteers gain valuable experience; and older volunteers enjoy reading to our students. If I had to name all the volunteers who work to enrich the educational experience here at Friends, this small tribute would run on for pages. Thank you all for making this a community of learners.
Flu and tick season? – Here at school there has been a slight resurgence of flu-like illnesses. I suspect it is the sharing of germs gathered from various spring break destinations and hope it will taper off soon. Additionally, I have performed two tick extractions so far this week. Besides being another indicator of spring, it also tells me that our students play outdoors. I encourage everyone to continue to play outdoors and conduct a nightly tick check.
Spices – The annual SPICES Gala is next Friday, March 26 at 7pm at the Atherton Hotel. There is great food, refreshments, music by Andy Tolins, good conversation and the company of friends. This is wonderful event that supports the scholarship fund at the school. Please see Beth Giles to get your tickets.
Books Wanted – The upper school is hosting a gently used book sale later this month to benefit earthquake victims in Haiti. Please bring your new or gently used books to the school during the next week. Then come to the book sale on Friday March 26th from 4-6 p.m. or Saturday, March 27th from 10:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. to purchase your treasures.
Curriculum Night – We have rescheduled Curriculum Night to April 8th from 7 to 8 p.m. This year we will be focusing on our social studies/theme curriculum. Teachers have fun activities planned and all families are invited to visit as many classrooms as they wish during the evening. This is a great way to learn about the social studies/theme curriculum at Friends. Please come.
Ketchup - Recently in art class, students participated in the Heinz Ketchup Creativity Contest. Twelve finalists will be chosen from all submissions and featured on this website. If you or child is interested in viewing the winning artwork or submitting an online vote for your favorite, please visit the website ( between March 22-27.
Annual Meeting – The Board of Directors will be hosting the annual meeting for the school on Tuesday evening April 13th at 7pm. This is your chance to meet the board and ask questions about the state of the school. This year’s meeting will focus on developing a vision and strategic plan for the school. Input from the community is vital to this process and all are invited to attend.
Open House – Our next Open house is Friday, April 23rd from 9:30 to 12 noon. Please help spread the word.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Headlines, March 12, 2010
I hope everyone enjoyed their Spring Break. What amazing weather we had for most of the break! Five days of 50+ and sunshine. Wow!
Books Wanted – The upper school is hosting a gently used book sale later this month to benefit earthquake victims in Haiti. Please bring your new or gently used books to the school during the next few weeks. Then come to the sale at the end of the month and pick up enough books to restock your shelves and enrich your mind.
Seed sales – Seed orders are due on Monday, March 15th for the K/1 seed sale. The money earned by Teacher Lisa’s class will be donated to Heifer International.
Curriculum Night – [Postponed] This year we will be focusing on our social studies/theme curriculum. Teachers are preparing fun activities in each classroom and all families are invited to visit as many classrooms as they wish during the evening. This is a fun way to learn about the social studies/theme curriculum at Friends. Please come.
Open House – Our next Open house is Friday March 19th from 9 to 12 noon. We are asking all parents to help spread the word and are also seeking a few volunteers to help with the tours.
Community Offerings - Spring is coming, with opportunities for quilting, gardening and enjoying organic produce! Tr. Dorothy’s “Quilting Bee with Lunch and Good Company” has been rescheduled and there’s still time to sign up! And we have two Community Offerings, from kindergarten parent Sabine Carey of Full Circle Farms, which will make you realize spring is just around the corner: an organic garden kit that will get you set for your own tasty organic garden in your back yard; and a full CSA farmshare - vegetables, flower and herbs - for the 2010 season. For more information, visit our Community Offerings website and the Full Circle Farms website, or contact Beth Giles,
Spices - We hope to see you there (Friday, March 26 at 7pm). One of our school parents who attended last year had this to say: “I enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere It was really great to see people I see regularly but without kids to have enjoyable conversations and get to know people better. It was a nice casual event with great food, yummy local beers and lots of fun people. It was a great mix of people, some friends school parents but many from outside the school too.”
Monday, March 1, 2010
Headlines March 1, 2010
Last Thursday Teacher Sunna’s class said their goodbyes with a shower. Every student decorated a onesie for Sunna’s baby. She was touched by their efforts and by the kindness shown by everyone in the school. We wish her and Russ all the best in the coming months and look forward to meeting the newest member of the family soon.
Rube Goldberg – Teacher Tim’s fourth grade class provided some oohs and ahs on Thursday as the class held its annual Rube Goldberg competition. This year’s task was to crush an aluminum can. This required heavier objects than in previous years and Tim threw in mousetraps for a little extra drama. These elements made for larger movements, louder noises and a certain sense of danger as the groups conceived and implemented unique ways to crush a can using boards, books and bricks. Congratulations to all the students for their efforts.
Friends School Basketball – Our school’s basketball program enjoyed a successful season. This year we joined forces with Nittany Christian and fielded a coed team of 14. We were able to play several games and even won a few. We held our blue/white game on Thursday and I got a kick from watching them coach themselves and play a spirited and supportive game with each other.
Curriculum Night – On Thursday, March 18th we will be holding our annual Family Curriculum Night from 7 to 8 p.m. This year we will be focusing on our social studies/theme curriculum. Teachers are preparing fun activities in each classroom to share with families. All families are invited to visit as many classrooms as they wish and learn about the social studies/theme curriculum at Friends. This is a great activity for everyone. Please come.
Winter Play Day - The Friends School is hosting a Play Day on Saturday, March 13th from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. The school’s community room and k/1 classroom will be open for supervised active and imaginative play and staff will be available to provide tours and answer questions. The event is free and all are welcome.
Open House – Our next Open house is Friday March 19th from 9 to 12 noon. We are asking all parents to help spread the word and are also seeking a few volunteers to help with the tours.
Community Offerings - Spring is coming, with opportunities for quilting, gardening and enjoying organic produce! Tr. Dorothy’s “Quilting Bee with Lunch and Good Company” has been rescheduled to Saturday, March 20. There’s still time to sign up! And we have two Community Offerings, from kindergarten parent Sabine Carey of Full Circle Farms, which will make you realize spring is just around the corner: an organic garden kit that will get you set for your own tasty organic garden in your back yard; and a full CSA farmshare - vegetables, flower and herbs - for the 2010 season. For more information, visit our Community Offerings website and the Full Circle Farms website, or contact Beth Giles,
Spices - Invitations for the SPICES Gala are in the mail. We hope to see you there, Friday, March 26 at 7pm. One of our school parents who attended last year had this to say: “I enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere. It was really great to see people I see regularly but without kids … to have enjoyable conversations and get to know people better. It was a nice casual event with great food, yummy local beers and lots of fun people. It was a great mix of people, some Friends School parents but many from outside the school too.”
Calling all Forsythia Forcers! - The decorating committee for SPICES is in need of volunteers to cut three- to four foot lengths of forsythia branches a week and a half ahead of the event (March 15). They will need to be placed in water so that they bloom. We also need vases which are vertical in shape- any size will do. If you are able and/or interested please contact Virginia Belser at 861-0987 or
Re- Enrollment –We ask that all parents complete the form and turn it into the office by March 5th. If you have any questions or concerns, please call or stop in to see Mary or Dan.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Headlines, February 19, 2010
Library Display – Art work by our 2nd and 3rd grade students is featured on the Schlow Library bulletin boards this month. Drop by to see the work of our young artists. Thanks to art teacher, Laura Adams for organizing the show.
100 days – I attended part of the 100th Day of School party held in Tr. Lisa’s room this week. To celebrate, the students counted various objects and ate 100. Don’t know how to eat 100? Ask a K/1 student.
Chinese New Year - Special thanks goes to school parents Ying Wang and Yanhua Wang for sharing Chinese New Year customs with the K/1 classes this week. Kerry Wiessmann and Beth Resko coordinated the celebration in Teacher Tim’s 4th grade class, and we send our thanks to them, too.
Open House and Winter Play Day - The Friends School is hosting a Saturday Play Day and Open House for children and parents tomorrow from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. The school’s community room and k/1 classroom will be open for supervised active and imaginative play, and staff and parent volunteers will be available to provide tours of the school and answer questions. All are welcome; be sure to invite friends and neighbors!
Parent Coffee - On Wednesday, February 24 at 8:30 a.m., Dan and Teachers Bailey and Christy will be on hand to answer questions you may have about the current upper school program. Please come and find out more about the how the upper school program incorporates Quaker philosophy and educational practices. This is a perfect opportunity to ask questions and share insights. We’ll meet in the school library.
Parent-Teacher Conferences- Our mid-year parent-teacher conferences are scheduled for Thursday and Friday, March 4 and 5. The conferences are scheduled for 30 minutes and will be held in your child’s classroom. Please call or stop by our front desk to schedule your time. Child care will be available both days from 8 to 5:30. Please let us know by Tuesday, March 2 to register your child.
Re- Enrollment – Parents should have received their re-enrollment letter and form this week. We ask that all parents complete the form and return it to the school office by March 5th. If you have any questions or concerns, please call or stop in to see Mary or Dan.
Science Fair – Check this week’s Friday Folders for the schedule for our March 1 Science Fair. If your child would like to participate, but has not yet returned the participation form, please do so by Monday.
Grocery Cards and Scrip – Don’t forget about our ongoing fundraising efforts through Giant and Weis grocery cards and the Scrip program. So far this year we have raised nearly $1800 from YOUR everyday shopping needs at Giant and Weis as well as hundreds of retailers in the Scrip program. If you have any questions or need a Scrip order form, please contact Diane.
Have a great weekend,
Monday, February 15, 2010
Headlines February 12, 2010
Affirmations Abound – We are in the middle of an affirmation festival here at school. There has been a flurry of affirmations being passed around the building. With the class parties and reading buddies set for later today, it looks like another special day at Friends.
Basketball News – After getting overpowered by Meadowbrook Christian last week, the Friends School/Nittany Christian team has spent the past week in practice. We are preparing for the home stretch with four games in the next two weeks. Our spirits and expectations are high. Our final game will be at home on February 25th. Details will be provided.
Two of a Kind Concert - An award-winning husband-wife duo will perform a free concert for families and children of all ages on Saturday, February 13th, at 11:00 a.m. in our Community Room. Two of Kind ( performances feature songs, puppets, movement, and stories. All are welcome. Donations of food or funds for the State College Food Bank will be accepted.
Open House and Winter Play Day - Friends School is hosting a Saturday Play Day and Open House for children and parents on Saturday, February 20th, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. The school’s community room and k/1 classroom will be open for supervised active and imaginative play and staff will be available to provide tours and answer questions. The event is free and all are welcome. We would welcome a few volunteers to hang posters around town this week and serve as tour guides on Saturday morning. Please let Dan or Mary know if you can lend a hand.
School Closing Information – This week our school closing announcement did not make it onto the WPSU website. Despite our best efforts to properly announce school closings and delays, there is always a possibility that it will be missed by a media outlet. Please note that the school, in most cases, will follow the lead of the State College Area School District. When there is a closing or delay we notify most local radio stations, both news stations, and WPSU. We also change our voice mail message on the phone so you can call the school to check.
Volunteers Needed – We would love to have a parent(s) to drop off the fleece blankets that the children made at the hospital and some decorated meal bags to the Meals on Wheels Kitchen. Please see Diane to help.
Happy Valentine’s Day
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Headlines, February 5, 2010
200 Pounds, Posters, and Poetry
It has been relatively quiet in our halls these past two days. The school never feels quite right without the constant murmur of the classrooms seeping into the halls. It does make time for the administrators and teachers to discuss, plan, write, think, and breathe. Still, we miss the rhythm of the school day.
Poetry Slam – Think of a smoke filled, dimly lit coffee house with bearded philosophers - a perfect atmosphere for a Poetry Reading. The Upper School’s Poetry Slam had all this except for the smoke, low lights, coffee, and bearded philosophers. The Poetry Slam was great fun. The whole school attended and got to hear our budding poets recite verse and rhymes that made you laugh and think. Congratulations go out to Devlin Moose for the individual cheese award and to Lulu Yarber, Dagny Felker and Aria Sakona for the group poetry prize.
Food Drive – We donated over 200 pounds of food to the State College Food Bank this week. They were very grateful to accept our donation and I want to thank everyone who has participated in this drive at the school. We are still collecting donations. Bring your non-perishable items to the front lobby and place them in the green box.
Financial Aid – This is a reminder to parents that your financial aid forms are due on Monday, February 8. You have the option of completing the application by hand or on the web. Please see Mary for details and questions.
Two of a Kind Concert - An award-winning husband-wife duo will perform a free concert for families and children of all ages on Saturday, February 13th at 11:00 a.m. in the Community Room. Two of Kind ( performances feature songs, puppets, movement, and stories. All are welcome; please help spread the work and bring some friends! Donations of food or funds for the State College Food Bank will be accepted.
Open House and Winter Play Day - The Friends School is hosting a Saturday Play Day and Open House for children and parents on Saturday, February 20th, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. The school’s community room and k/1 classroom will be open for supervised active and imaginative play, and staff will be available to provide tours and answer questions. The event is free and all are welcome. We would welcome a few volunteers to hang posters around town this week.
Newsletters –In addition to your classroom’s newsletter, parents with students in the first, third, and fourth grade classrooms will soon be receiving an email newsletter from the next grade’s classroom. This is an opportunity for parents to learn about the activities and programs taking place in the next grade level.
Enjoy the snow this weekend! Go Saints!
Monday, February 1, 2010
Headlines January 29, 2010
Tea Party – I have just returned from a very enjoyable event. Tr. Sunna’s 2/3 classroom hosted a tea and poetry-reading party. When I entered the classroom, I was escorted to my seat and made to feel at home by my host, Claudia. After all of the guests arrived, the students assembled and read a selection of poems they’d written on frogs, horses, the seasons and jumbled creatures. The readings were performed with energy and emotion. Later, we were all served cookies and tea and each family received a book of poetry. What a great way to culminate a unit of study. It was so civilized. Thanks to all of the students for their creative efforts and to the parents who helped.
Move- Up Night – Several parents attended Move- Up Night on Thursday and took advantage of the opportunity to find out what goes on in the next classroom. They were able to meet teachers, ask questions and learn about the curriculum. Thanks to all for attending. As always, parents are also welcome to stop in anytime to find out more.
In-service Days – Next Thursday and Friday, February 4th and 5th are teacher in-service days at the school. There will be no school on either of these two days. Please contact the school if you want to register your student for the child care program.
Open House and Winter Play Day - Friends School is hosting a Saturday Play Day and Open House for children and parents on Saturday, February 20th, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. The school’s community room and k/1 classrooms will be open for supervised active and imaginative play, and staff will be available to provide tours and answer questions. The event is free and all are welcome. Your assistance in spreading the word is invaluable. Please help if you can.
Two of a Kind Concert - An award-winning husband-wife duo will perform a free concert for families and children of all ages on Saturday, February 13th, at 11:00 a.m. in the Community Room. Two of Kind ( performances feature songs, puppets, movement, and stories. All are welcome. Donations of food or funds for the State College Food Bank will be accepted.
Financial Aid – This is a reminder to parents that your financial aid application should be submitted by Monday, February 8. You have the option of completing the application by hand or online. Please see Mary for details and questions.
See us on C-Net - The Friends School Performance of King in Montgomery will be broadcast by C-Net at the following dates and times (Comcast Channel 7):
Jan 29 - 9:00 p.m. and Jan 30 - 11:00 a.m.
Have a safe and healthy weekend.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
King, Donations, and Two of A Kind
Did you know that our school’s celebration does not start and end with the play? In the morning we brought the entire school to the Friends Meeting House for silent worship and reflection. Following Meeting, we watched a few of Dr. King’s speeches together. In the classrooms, teachers led activities to help their students understand the Reverend’s life, words and actions.
Haitian Relief Efforts – The school’s collection has yielded over $300 so far for relief efforts in Haiti. We will be forwarding this money to the American Friends Service Committee ( who is already in the country and providing medical supplies and food to victims. More donations are needed and we ask you to consider making further donations to the charity of your choice.
It Happened Again – Once more, we received donations for our scholarship fund from Pennsylvania businesses through the Education Income Tax Credit Program. Universal Health Services and Universal Health Services of Pennsylvania combined to provide our school with a $15,000 donation to our scholarship fund. We are very grateful that they thought highly of our program and decided to support us in our education efforts.
Move Up Night – Parents are encouraged to attend Move Up Night on Thursday January 28th from 7:00–8:00 p.m. Although we cannot make definite class assignments until families make their re-enrollment commitments, we do know that first graders will move to 2nd grade and 3rd graders will move up to fourth grade and the fourth graders will move up to fifth next fall. This is your opportunity to meet teachers, ask questions, and get information on the curriculum, program and activities in the next grade.
Open House and Winter Play Day - The Friends School is hosting a Saturday Play Day and Open House for children and parents on Saturday, February 20th, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. The school’s community room and k/1 classroom will be open for supervised active and imaginative play and staff will be available to provide tours and answer questions. The event is free and all are welcome. Your assistance in spreading the word is invaluable. Please help if you can.
Two of a Kind Concert - An award-winning husband-wife duo will perform a free concert for families and children of all ages on Saturday, February 13th, at 11:00 a.m. in the Community Room. Two of Kind ( performances feature songs, puppets, movement, and stories. All are welcome. Donations of food or funds for the State College Food Bank will be accepted.
See us on C-Net - The Friends School Performance of King in Montgomery will be broadcast by C-Net at the following dates and times (Comcast Channel 7):
Jan 24 1:00 p.m.
Jan 25 2:00 p.m.
Jan 26 7:00 a.m.
Jan 29 9:00 p.m.
Jan 30 11:00 a.m.
Have a safe and healthy weekend.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Headlines, Kindness and King
Open House Thanks – We had a great Open House today. Several families came into the school and left quite impressed with our students, teachers, program and community. Thank you all for helping us to spread the word by posting flyers and telling friends. Special thanks to Kara Gehman, Betsy Gamble, Kathy Sakona, Julia Spicher Kasdorf, Lauren Dornell Neal, and Jennifer Borgardt for their help as tour guides.
Please see the extensive handout in the Friday folder for all the announcements.
Martin Luther King Day News- King in Montgomery – Ten Years in the Non-violent Civil Rights Movement will be performed by our upper school and the King Chorus at our school on Martin Luther King Day; January 18th at 1:00 PM. We will also be performing a segment of our show at Penn State’s Martin Luther King Celebration on Wednesday evening, January 20th beginning at 6 p.m. in the Eisenhower Auditorium. The event is free for all and tickets are available at the school.
Special Collection – Prior to and after the MLK performance, the school will be taking donations for the victims of the earthquake in Haiti. Collection tins will be located in the community room and hall ways.
King Choir practice – Will Hancock asked me to extend the invitation for chorus practice to all the singing groups (adult chorus, students, and peace choir) this Sunday, January17th from 1:00 to 3:30 p.m. Practice will be held in the Library. Hope to see you there.
Have a safe and healthy weekend.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Babies, Special Thanks, Open House, Move-Up Night, Pajama Day and a Concert!
Birth Announcements - On December 24th , Maxwell Graham Cooper came into the world. He is a healthy baby boy weighing in at almost eight pounds. We are pleased to report that everyone is doing well. Congratulations Tr. Sarah and Blaine! Former teacher, Laura Krebs, and her husband Brian had their second child, Max Collins Beabout, who was also born on December 24th.
Scholarship Donations – Special thanks go out to Art Curtze and Northwest Savings Bank for their generous donations to our scholarship fund. Art is a long-time friend and alumni dad who strongly believes in the benefits of Friends education and has generously donated $10,000 to the scholarship fund from his foundation. Northwest Savings Bank, through the Education Income Tax Credit Program offered through the State of Pennsylvania, made a donation of $5,000 to the school’s scholarship fund.
Bottle Cap Recycling – Recently, we expanded our school’s recycling program to include bottle caps. Just prior to the break Pam Adams and some first graders collected and used estimation to count the caps. We collected over 5,000 caps that weighed over 28lbs. Keep ‘em coming.
Open House – Our first Admissions Open House of the season will be held on Friday, January 15 from 9:30 a.m. – noon. We’ll be inviting prospective families to visit that morning to tour the school and see the classrooms in action. We’d appreciate your help in spreading the word. Look for a flyer to post in the Friday Folder.
Martin Luther King Day News - King in Montgomery – Ten Years in the Non-violent Civil Rights Movement will be performed by our upper school and the King Chorus at our school on Martin Luther King Day, January 18th at 1:00 PM. We will also be performing a segment of our show at Penn State’s Martin Luther King Celebration on Wednesday, evening January 20th beginning at 6 PM in Eisenhower Auditorium. The event is free for all.
King Choir practice - All are invited to join the chorus. Join us for practice on Sundays, January 10 and January 17th from 1:00 to 2:30pm. Practice will be held in the Community Room. Your voice is needed.
Move- Up Night – On Thursday January 28th, from 7 to 8 pm we will be hosting a Move- Up Night for parents who have students that will be changing classrooms in the next school year. This is an opportunity for parents to meet the teachers in the next classroom, ask questions and receive information about the program and curriculum. All parents of students in the 1st, 3rd, 4th and 6th grade classrooms are encouraged to attend.
After School Program – After School classes and activities begin next week. There are still some openings in selected activities. Please check at the front desk.
Pajama Day – All-school Pajama Day will be next Thursday, January 14th. Students and adults are free to dress in their PJs and bring their favorite stuffed animal and blanket to school. Thanks to Sequoia Falcone and Lachlan Campbell for getting this important day organized.
Free Winter Play Days – On Saturdays, Jan 16th, February 20th and March 13th, from 9:30 to 11:30 AM Friends School is hosting Saturday Play Days for children from 3-7 years old. The school‘s community room and classrooms will be open for supervised active and imaginative play. This is a great opportunity to bring a friend to the school and enjoy a morning out of the cold. Refreshments and snacks will be served. All are welcome. Please contact the school at (814) 237-8386.
Free Concert - The musical singing duo, Two of a Kind will perform here at the school in mid-February. Two of a Kind presents concerts for families and children of all ages all with an emphasis on interaction and participation. This event is free and open to the public. Details will follow soon.
Have a safe and healthy weekend.