Headlines - September 20, 2013
would you say to an educational program that teaches problem solving, fosters
creativity, strengthens focus, supports emotional growth, and fuels
imagination? Would you want that program in your school? Would you
consider it necessary to help students develop those valued skills and habits?
Would it be worthy of being included in any school’s curriculum? Well, that
program exists and is in full bloom at Friends. It is our art
is an important part of our educational program. Art at Friends School is
designed to be a hands-on, minds-on program that encourages the development of
imagination, reflection, and self-expression. Students are challenged to
work with different materials to develop original work that can reflect their
feelings or their personal interpretation of a concept or event. Art
engages students physically, emotionally, socially, and even spiritually
and provides students with an outlet that may not be available in other
classes. Teacher Cindy Hanczar has been at the helm of our Art program for
several years now, and she continues to help our students experiment, create,
and express themselves using many different media and materials. Already,
our classes are turning out some wonderful work. Just today, I was
peeking at the middle school self-portraits and was surprised by the detail and
shading. In addition to Tr. Cindy’s efforts, many of our classroom
teachers embrace art as a way to encourage student expression and
reflection. Our teachers know that a curriculum with an art component is
inherently more interesting and motivating. Given the value of art in
schools, I always wonder why art programs are among the first things to be cut
during budget reductions. To learn more about the value of art in
education, please take a moment to read about it on the bulletin board in our
Announcements and Reminders
All-School (K-8) Potluck: Our all-school potluck is next Friday,
September 27th, from 5:30 to 7:30 with dinner beginning at
6:00. Look for details next week online at www.scfriends.org and in
an upcoming email from Tr. Mary. This event is a great way for families
to build community within the school. Please RSVP by September 25th
via email or phone. We can always use help with set-up and clean-up, so also
let us know if you are able to lend a hand. We hope your family will join us.
Student Drop-off and Pick-up Safety: Parents, please remember that the
back parking lot (not the one directly in front of the building) is
specifically designed for the safe drop-off and pick-up of students.
Using this lot will ensure that neither you nor your child will have to cross
the bus lane or walk in front of cars in the busy front parking lot. Please
help keep all of our school community safer by following this important
Inservice Days, October 17 and 18: Thursday and Friday, October 17th
and 18th are inservice days for our faculty. Although there will be
no school for students, we do offer an inservice child care program here at
school on all inservice days. If you’d like to use the program for part or all of either or both days, please register
by Monday, October 7th. You
can register your child by calling the school or sending an email. Please be
sure to specify which days and the approximate hours your child will
attend. The fee for our child care program is $4.00 per hour. Please note
that school bus transportation is not provided on inservice days.
"Attitude is the crayon that
colors your world"
Alan Klein
Dan Hendey
Head of School
Alan Klein
Dan Hendey
Head of School
State College Friends School
1900 University Drive
State College, PA 16801
(814) 237-8386
(814) 235-1446 Fax
1900 University Drive
State College, PA 16801
(814) 237-8386
(814) 235-1446 Fax