Friday, November 1, 2013

Headlines  -             November 1, 2013

Last week I waxed melancholy about the demise of Halloween at the school.  I should have known better.  What a day.  Even though Baba Yaga was detained at customs in Transylvania (something about illegal body parts),our school’s community still managed to pull off a wonderful celebration. 

On Wednesday several middle school students stayed late and decorated the entire hallway for the rest of the school.  They had assistance from Teacher Lori, who cheered them on and helped with the front entrance and pumpkin placement.  They did a great job and, for their work, they were allowed to scare anyone above 4th grade as they entered the darkened hallway in the morning.  The 2/3 classrooms were the stars of the day as they worked all week to develop and stage a Spooky Science Museum for the rest of the school.  It was a big hit and I learned a lot about owl pellets and phosphorus.

Many other parents got into the act.  Tinka, Karla, Carla, Fred and several others worked together to decorate the Community Room for the monster dance and there were many others on hand in the classrooms to help decorate, facilitate costume changes, chaperone, and party.  It was also great to see so many parents and teachers in costume.  It really adds to the festivities of the day.  Halloween at Friends, like always, was a wonderful event filled with community spirit and fun.  I should have known better and so today I am grateful to know that the spirit of Halloween lives at Friends.  Thanks to all of you.

Please enjoy your weekend and don’t forget to “fall back” an hour on Sunday

Announcements and Reminders

**Parent-Teacher Conferences: Have you signed up for your parent-teacher conference? If not, please do so now so that the teachers are able to properly prepare for their time with you. You can schedule by calling, sending an email, or stopping by the school office. Conferences will be held next week on Thursday and Friday and are 30 minutes in length and will be held in your child’s classroom. You’ll receive a written progress report in the mail prior to your conference.

**Conference Day Child Care: As there is no school for students on November 7th or 8th, our conference days, we will offer our regular inservice day child care program from 8:00 am to 5:30 pm both days. If you would like your child to participate for part or all of either or both of these days, please call or email the school to register.

**Chess Club:  Thanks to the initiative of Nathan Elliott, one of our K parents, the first gathering of the Chess Club will be held on Tuesday, November 5 in Teacher Tim’s classroom.  Nathan is working on logisitics including who might be attending when, and whether we’ll have adequate supervision. If you plan to participate, please be in touch with him. You can contact him at

**Thankful Tuesday:  Please mark your calendars for Tuesday, November 26, and plan to join us for our Thankful Tuesday gathering. We’ll assemble that day at 12 noon in the Community Room for brief presentations by each classroom and some Thanksgiving songs. The gathering normally winds up at about 1:00. Students are welcome to leave with their parents then or stay through our regular dismissal time. We’ll also offer our After School Program that day.

 Parents are also invited to come in early on the 26th to have lunch with their children in the classrooms. Bring your own brown bag feast!

**The SPICES of Life Gala: Our annual SPICES of Life Gala, coming up Sunday, November 10th, is a relaxed, early evening event featuring delicious food, music, and silent auction fun.  This event is an important friend and fund raising activity for our school.  More details are available on our website, including FAQ and photos of auction items and last year’s event.  Please RSVP by Wednesday, November 4th, especially if you will need childcare while you are attending the event.  (This is an adult social time.  Free childcare is available at the school for those attending.)

P.S.  Don’t let the word “Gala” fool you.  While the event is set against the lovely, and very special backdrop of The Atherton Hotel (thanks to the generosity of a former Friends School family), this is not a highly formal event.  We hope you will consider attending with friends and relatives.  Direct your questions to Lori Pacchioli,

**Tussey Mountain Ski Program: Once again, it is time to register for the ever popular Tussey Mountain Ski Area School Intramural Program.  The ski program begins on January 9, 2014, but registration is required by 3:00 pm on Thursday, November 14th to receive the school program discount. Check this week’s Friday Folder for more information. In addition, the full packet will be emailed to you next week. Any questions should be directed to Pam Adams at or 692-5522.

"Attitude is the crayon that colors your world"
Alan Klein