On the other side – Last week I wrote about the 7/8 grade science class. I wrote about their engagement and motivation to learn. This week, I decided to travel to the Trs. Dorothy and Elli’s K/1 class to find out what engagement looks like in their classroom. Several students were working with Tr. Elli creating holiday cards for classroom helpers Ferne and Richard while others were in the alcove with Tr. Dorothy in a reading lesson. The students making cards were seated at a large table with colored paper, glue, crayons, markers and scissors; highly motivating for K/1 students. In addition to creating original works of art to express their thanks, it was obvious that Tr. Elli was helping these students develop several different skills. In between expressions of encouragement and support (“it’s beautiful, I like the colors you chose”), she provided gentle reminders on sharing materials, voice volume and helping with reading (“That’s right merry has the Mmm sound”). Dividing the class gave both teachers time to work more closely with individuals and kept the students more engaged and on task. While academics are always part of the Friends program, teachers in the early grades also work with students to develop self-control, practice social skills and experience success. These are life lessons that will help them in their studies in the upper grades. A truly appropriate curriculum for the age.
MLK Music – Want to get a head start on learning the songs for King in Montgomery? Thanks to the efforts of Will Hancock, we now have an audio CD available of the songs. Ask Diane at the front desk for your copy.
$5,000.00 Scholarship Donation – A special thank you goes out to First National Bank of Pennsylvania for their generous donation to our scholarship fund. Through the Educational Improvement Tax Credit program offered through the State of Pennsylvania, businesses that pay taxes to Pennsylvania can make scholarship donations to Friends School and take a credit of up to 90% on their state tax return. This also typically lowers their federal tax liability as well. Please let us know at the school if you know of any businesses that may be interested in this program.
Holiday Gathering – On Tuesday, December 22, we’ll gather in the community room at 1:45 p.m. for our annual Holiday Gathering. We’ll do some singing together and nibble cookies before we all depart for our holiday break. All families are invited, and we hope you will plan to join us.
Open House – Our first Admissions Open House of the season will be held on Friday, January 15 from 9:30 a.m. – noon. We’ll be inviting prospective families to visit that morning to tour the school and see the classrooms in action. We’d appreciate your help in spreading the word, and we hope you’ll let Mary know if you might like to lend a hand as a tour guide.
Food Drive – The 7/8 grade class will be taking the lead on the food drive this winter. Look for more announcements soon.
Free Winter Play Days – On Saturdays Jan 16th, February 20th and March 13th, from 9:30 to 11:30 AM, Friends School is hosting Saturday Play Days for children from 3-7 years old. The school‘s community room and a classroom will be open for supervised active and imaginative play. This is a great opportunity to bring a friend to the school and enjoy a morning out of the cold. Refreshments and snacks will be served. All are welcome.
Sing with King – I would like to invite all families and friends to participate in the King Chorus for our annual production of King in Montgomery: Ten Years in the Non-Violent Civil Rights Movement. This is an uplifting and moving performance that needs your voice to come alive. Previous choir experience is not necessary, only the desire to sing out in a big group. Contact the school for more information or to sign up.
Have a safe and healthy weekend.
Monday, December 21, 2009
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