HEADLINES……………..January 4, 2013
Rosy Cheeks.
Happy New Year and welcome back to school. As I recall from my own school days, there is nothing more pleasing than coming back to school after a holiday when it’s a short week and there’s snow on the ground. How satisfying it was to watch the K/1 classes have the sledding hill all to themselves this afternoon for a “sledding party.” Teachers Joanne and Lucas were busy in the kitchen stirring up warm drinks for the rosy-cheeked riders as Teachers Dorothy and Lisa helped wrestle them out of their bulky snowsuits.
Earlier in the day, teachers monitored a well-organized snowball battle among the older students. It was a happy scene on the big field, with the sun shining and snow flying. The squealing, yelling, and laughing made me smile. Sadly, the joy of a snowball battle is not experienced in most schools anymore. I’m happy for the fun the students had today at Friends School.
There was plenty of talk this week about holiday travel and gifts and games. You’ll note there was also plenty of work accomplished at school as you read your child’s weekly classroom newsletter.
While students got the color in their cheeks from refreshing outdoor play, Dan, Teacher Becky, and a few other grownups were rosy-cheeked due to fever. We send our brightest thoughts to all those suffering from aches, pains, chills and coughs. Stay warm and hurry back. New sleds have been ordered and should arrive early next week!
Tr. Lori
Director of Development
Announcements & Reminders:
Open Houses: Pre-K Open House Saturday at Friends Schoolhouse on Prospect Ave. from 9:30 to noon kicks off the pre-admissions season as it’s known in education circles. Our first K-8 Open House will be held Friends School on University Drive on Friday, January 11 from 9:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (Mary will be looking for volunteer tour guides for this one. Let her know if you’d be willing.) The full schedule of Open House and Winter Play Day dates is online at www.scfriends.org. Word of mouth is our most valuable promotional tool, so please share this information with friends and neighbors.
K – 8 Bring A Friend to School Day: Friends School students are invited to bring a friend to school on Friday, January 18th. This is an opportunity to invite friends and neighbors who may not be familiar with our unique school to visit for all or part of the day. A sign-up form and details will be sent via email next week.
Basketball: The school will be providing basketball clinics for all interested students in 4th through 8th grade. Clinics will be held on Tuesdays in January and February from 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. Permission slips are required before the first clinic. There is still time to sign up.
Pizza/Hot Lunch Orders: Don’t forget to sign up for Pizza Fridays and Tr. Bobbie’s Hot Lunches by Tuesday, January 8th. The first hot lunch will be Friday, January 11th! Order forms were sent home via email yesterday and in Friday Folders today.
Admissions & Next Year: If your family has a younger sibling you hope to enroll next year, please be sure that Mary knows. Siblings receive priority in the admissions process, and it helps if we know they’re on the way.