Monday, January 31, 2011

PJs and Honor Rolls

Headlines - January 28, 2010

Pajama day was a hoot. I love seeing everyone come dressed for sleep. Surprisingly, the distractions of PJs and pizza lunch did not affect the academics today. I watched Tr. Dorothy’s K/1 classroom take in a science lesson on sound and vibrations while their stuffed animals sat attentively on the tables. I also observed the 5th graders roll up their pajama sleeves to complete their work and discuss proper word usage with Tr. Tim. Look for some pictures on the bulletin board.

This week I had the opportunity to visit the web page for the State College School District’s honor roll and I am happy to report what I found. Last year’s class placed four of our five graduates and long-time students (5+years) on the 9th grade honor role, with two receiving high honors. Our class of 08/09 has six of nine 10th grade students receiving honors, five of them earning high honors. The current junior class has four of five grads and alums on the high honor role. All eight Friends School graduates and alums in the senior class are on the honor role with seven receiving high honors – Amazing! Congratulations to all our alums for their hard work. I will try to find out more about our students in other school districts as well.


Open Houses –The Friends School will be hosting Open Houses for our Pre-K and K-8th programs this winter. Here are the next scheduled events.

Pre-K program at the Friends School House - (Friends Meeting Houses Annex - site of Cooperative Playschool)

Wednesday, February 2nd 9:00 AM – noon

K-8 program at the Friends School

Saturday February, 19th 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM

Eat and Donate - Harrison’s “Dine In” to benefit State College Friends School takes place through February 6th. Join friends or take the family for a delicious meal and SCFS receives a percentage of the check. Please check our website for more info and spread the word. Gift Cards are also available.

Quaker Quest – A Quaker Quest session will be held this Sunday evening January 30th, from 4:00-6:30 p.m. The third session will address the topic: Quaker Faith in Action. Refreshments and child care will be provided. All are welcome to join in at the State College Friends Meetinghouse, 611 E. Prospect Ave., in State College, PA. For further information call Dana Mitra, at 814-234-8966

Summer Youth Fair
– On Saturday, February 5th, Friends School ,along with over 25 other organizations will be at the Mt. Nittany Middle School from 10 AM to 2 PM to distribute information and answer questions about upcoming summer camp and class programs. It’s your opportunity to do one-stop information gathering for the summer.

Help Needed - You are invited to take part in an initiative to “Promote Safety, Pride, and Respect” in State College on February 26th (State Patty’s Day). Many members of the local community, including State College Friends Meeting, neighborhood associations, student organizations, churches, and local government, are planning to provide a sober presence downtown to create a positive atmosphere. Go to and click the link to “Community Outreach Volunteers” to register.

Focus on Strong Families Conference
- This annual event will take place on Saturday February 26th at the Mt. Nittany Middle School. The conference provides family oriented sessions focusing on today’s greatest parenting challenges. More details and a link are on our website. (

Seeds - Have you bought seeds for your garden yet? Tr. Lisa's class will be selling Fedco seeds this year as a fund raiser to benefit Oxfam International. Fedco is a certified organic seed processor (although they sell both organic and conventional seeds), with most of their seeds produced on farms using sustainable methods. By selling seeds, Tr. Lisa’s class is promoting local food production and supporting Oxfam, both worthy endeavors. Seed order forms will go home in Friday Folders on February 11th and we hope you will purchase some seeds from us this year.

Enjoy your weekend


PJs and Honor Rolls

Headlines - January 28, 2010

Pajama day was a hoot. I love seeing everyone come dressed for sleep. Surprisingly, the distractions of PJs and pizza lunch did not affect the academics today. I watched Tr. Dorothy’s K/1 classroom take in a science lesson on sound and vibrations while their stuffed animals sat attentively on the tables. I also observed the 5th graders roll up their pajama sleeves to complete their work and discuss proper word usage with Tr. Tim. Look for some pictures on the bulletin board.

This week I had the opportunity to visit the web page for the State College School District’s honor roll and I am happy to report what I found. Last year’s class placed four of our five graduates and long-time students (5+years) on the 9th grade honor role, with two receiving high honors. Our class of 08/09 has six of nine 10th grade students receiving honors, five of them earning high honors. The current junior class has four of five grads and alums on the high honor role. All eight Friends School graduates and alums in the senior class are on the honor role with seven receiving high honors – Amazing! Congratulations to all our alums for their hard work. I will try to find out more about our students in other school districts as well.


Open Houses –The Friends School will be hosting Open Houses for our Pre-K and K-8th programs this winter. Here are the next scheduled events.

Pre-K program at the Friends School House - (Friends Meeting Houses Annex - site of Cooperative Playschool)

Wednesday, February 2nd 9:00 AM – noon

K-8 program at the Friends School

Saturday February, 19th 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM

Eat and Donate - Harrison’s “Dine In” to benefit State College Friends School takes place through February 6th. Join friends or take the family for a delicious meal and SCFS receives a percentage of the check. Please check our website for more info and spread the word. Gift Cards are also available.

Quaker Quest – A Quaker Quest session will be held this Sunday evening January 30th, from 4:00-6:30 p.m. The third session will address the topic: Quaker Faith in Action. Refreshments and child care will be provided. All are welcome to join in at the State College Friends Meetinghouse, 611 E. Prospect Ave., in State College, PA. For further information call Dana Mitra, at 814-234-8966

Summer Youth Fair
– On Saturday, February 5th, Friends School ,along with over 25 other organizations will be at the Mt. Nittany Middle School from 10 AM to 2 PM to distribute information and answer questions about upcoming summer camp and class programs. It’s your opportunity to do one-stop information gathering for the summer.

Help Needed - You are invited to take part in an initiative to “Promote Safety, Pride, and Respect” in State College on February 26th (State Patty’s Day). Many members of the local community, including State College Friends Meeting, neighborhood associations, student organizations, churches, and local government, are planning to provide a sober presence downtown to create a positive atmosphere. Go to and click the link to “Community Outreach Volunteers” to register.

Focus on Strong Families Conference
- This annual event will take place on Saturday February 26th at the Mt. Nittany Middle School. The conference provides family oriented sessions focusing on today’s greatest parenting challenges. More details and a link are on our website. (

Seeds - Have you bought seeds for your garden yet? Tr. Lisa's class will be selling Fedco seeds this year as a fund raiser to benefit Oxfam International. Fedco is a certified organic seed processor (although they sell both organic and conventional seeds), with most of their seeds produced on farms using sustainable methods. By selling seeds, Tr. Lisa’s class is promoting local food production and supporting Oxfam, both worthy endeavors. Seed order forms will go home in Friday Folders on February 11th and we hope you will purchase some seeds from us this year.

Enjoy your weekend
