Thursday, June 27, 2013

Headlines – End of Year Edition      June 6, 2013

Thank You - It has been quite a year.  On Monday, we began our in-service week by reviewing the school year and sharing classroom experiences.  It quickly became apparent why our school year seemed so busy.   Besides all the individual classroom events and field trips, there were over 30 school-wide events and celebrations.  We wish to thank our vibrant and committed parent community for your help in managing these events throughout the year.  We also wish to thank each of our parents for sharing their children with us this year.  We are blessed to have such lively, caring, and curious students.  Thank you all for letting us care for and educate your children. 

Summer Balance - Summer is a balancing act.  Without reinforcement, especially through reading, students may lose a significant portion of their previous year’s academic progress.  Yet summer also provides the best opportunities for large chunks of unstructured and unscheduled time that children also need.  Children need this time to reflect, to think deeply, dream big, and make connections with all the new information that they are exposed to.  So we encourage parents to balance their children’s summer.  Make sure they have time for reading, physical activity and for nothing at all.  Sign up for a summer reading program, plan museum visits, make sure physical activity is part of the day and give children the gift of time to breathe, explore, discover and play on their own. 


2013/2014 Calendar: Our calendar for the next school year was approved by the Board of Trustees last month and is attached.  Please note that our first day of school will be on Tuesday, August 27, and will coincide with the State College School District

Summer Packets: Summer packets from the school will be sent in mid-August.  They will contain letters from the school and from your child’s teachers, forms to complete, class rosters and suggested student supplies.  They will also have information on class themes and faculty additions.  Please hold off on school purchases until you receive these mailings.

Middle School Scholarships:  The school is currently accepting applications for merit scholarships to deserving students entering the 5th through 8th grade.  We are seeking students who embrace learning, are committed to building community, and display a willingness to lead. 

Thank you all again for a great year and enjoy your summer.
