Friday, February 1, 2013

February 1, 2013

Headlines  -               February 1, 2013

Today was Quaker Friends Day at school.  Each classroom welcomed a visitor from the State College Friends Meeting for the morning.  The Friends were recruited by the school’s Quaker Life Committee and asked to share with classes some of their experiences and understandings of what it means to be a Quaker.  Some Friends read stories and answered questions regarding the early encounters between Quakers and Native Americans, some talked about the Quaker faith and how that influences their lives while others shared the work they did because of their beliefs.  Members of meeting had the opportunity to experience a day at our school.  They came for morning meeting in the classroom, they attended our all-school meeting for worship, and also had the opportunity to work with our students on reading, writing, and math. 

I believe the day was a success.  The students were interested in learning about Quakers and had many great questions.  Our visitors got a great view into our school and the wonderful and kind students we have here at Friends.  I was happy to see the interchange of ideas and kindness that took place between your children and our Quaker Friends.  I would say the first Quaker Friends Day at the school was a success and I look forward to the next one. 


Inservice Days – School will be closed on Thursday and Friday February 7th and 8th for faculty in-service.  We will have child care on both days for families who need it.  Please call or email the school to claim your space.

Financial Aid Applications Applications for financial aid for the 2013-14 school year should be submitted by 16. Most families apply online at  You’ll want to complete the Parents’ Financial Statement (fondly known as the ‘PFS’). However, if you’d prefer to submit a hard copy, be in touch with Mary and she’ll get an application form to you.

Open House and Winter Play Day – On Saturday, February 16th, the Friends School will be hosting a winter play day and Open House.  Parents are invited to bring themselves and their children to the School.  There will be open play time for children between the ages of 3 and 7.  During this time, parents will have the opportunity to tour the facility, ask questions and learn about our program.  Time is from 9:30 to 12:00 noon.  Refreshments will be served.   There will also be an open house at the Friends Schoolhouse on this day from 9:30 to noon.

Middle School Open HouseThe Friends Middle School will be hosting an Open House for all interested parents on Thursday evening February 21st from 7 to 8pm.  Parents will have the opportunity to talk with teachers and administrators, tour the classrooms, leran about the curriculum and hear a short presentation about the program from Teachers Bailey and Christy. This open to the public and we encourage any parent who is interested to attend. It’s a great program and we think you’ll enjoy finding out what goes on down below.

Seed SaleThe K/1 seed sale to benefit the Red Cross and disaster victims is in full swing.  Orders are due by Wednesday, February 6.  We would love for you to buy lots of seed but donations are also appreciated.  Order forms are available at the school or at (mixed seeds) and (organic seeds).  Completed orders (or donations) can be taken to the front desk or to Tr. Lisa's classroom.  Thanks for your support!

Summer Camp – We will once again be running our fun-filled summer camps. Registration for our camp programs: Kids Camp (K-4th grade), Wee Friends Camp (3-5 yr. olds), and Theater Camp (4th-7th grade), will begin on February 9th. Brochures will be posted on line and will go home in Friday Folders next week. We will also be set up at the Summer Youth Fair on Saturday, February 9th from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at the Mt. Nittany Middle School.

 Happy Groundhog’s Day



Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Headlines  -                              January 24, 2013

Let’s talk about our teachers.

This month I have been having my mid-year meetings with the school’s lead and assistant teachers.  While our discussions can focus on any subject area, they almost always focus on our students.  Our teachers are compassionate about meeting the needs of every student in their classroom and relentless in their pursuit of that goal.  During our talks, I could feel their joy when sharing their accomplishments, and their determination when they talk about their challenges and plans for the rest of the year.  What I don’t hear a lot about is the long hours they spend preparing lessons, researching subjects and writing reports.  Although they have every right to discuss those extra responsibilities, I don’t hear about how little compensation they receive for their labors.  They love to teach and they love the freedom that that the school gives them to do it.  I have come to the conclusion that it takes a special kind of person to teach here; someone who is caring, compassionate, flexible, attentive, and innovative.  Most importantly, it is their focus on the individual student that defines a Friends School teacher.  We are lucky to have them.



Pajama Day – Our annual student- initiated Pajama Day is scheduled for this Wednesday, January 30th.  All students are encouraged to wear their PJ’s, slippers, and robes to school.

Quaker Friends Day – On Friday February 1st, members of the State College Friends Meeting will be visiting our classrooms.  Each Quaker will meet the class, share lessons and discuss what being a Quaker means to them.  We look forward to bringing our school and meeting together. 

Inservice Days – School will be closed on Thursday and Friday February 7th and 8th for teacher in-service.  We will have child care on both days for families who need it.  Please call or email the school to claim your space.

Financial Aid:  Financial aid applications for the 2013-14 school year are due to be submitted by February 16. You can apply online at You’ll want to complete the Parents Financial Statement (PFS). If you’d like a hard copy of the application, please see Mary.

Open House and Winter Play Day. – On Saturday, February 16th, the Friends School will be hosting a winter play day and Open House.  Parents are invited to bring themselves and their children to the school.  There will be open play time for children between the ages of 3 and 7.  Parents will have the opportunity to tour the facility, ask questions and learn about our program.  Time is from 9:30 to 12:00 noon. 

Snow Days, Delayed Openings, and Early Dismissals On days when snow, ice or other conditions might make for hazardous travel, parents should check local TV and radio stations for news of school closings or delays.  We try to make a determination by 6:30 AM and post information on WPSU, WJAC-TV, most local radio stations, and on our answering machine (237-8386).  Since we ride the same buses, we will usually follow the lead of the State College Area School District.  In the case of early dismissal, the school will contact parents with a phone call or email.  Parents who drop off their students are responsible for arranging transportation home. 

"Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe"
H. G. Wells

Dan Hendey
Head of School