Headlines -
April 5, 2013
The Good, the Not Good, and the Ugly
The Good - “Put your books away, get out a pencil and clear
your desks,” I barked on Monday. My math students looked back in astonishment.
“But you said the test wasn’t until Tuesday,”
they squeaked. My reply of, “Don’t
argue with me or I will lower your grade,”
produced many severe looks and grumbling as they began to comply. I went
on for a few minutes about the test and my expectations for them. Just as
I had them lulled into acceptance, I yelled,
“April’s Fool!” Surprise turned to relief. We all enjoyed a
good laugh and had a great day of review for the real test on Tuesday.
Teachers like to have fun, too!
The Not Good - It started at 6:30 in the morning on
Thursday. Mary received two phone calls. Both Tr. Dorothy and Tr.
Joanne could not make it in to school due to a stomach virus. That soon
became the phrase of the day. I got calls from three parents before 7:30
am and by the time school started, Tr. Dorothy’s class was only half
full. The K/1 classrooms seemed to be the epicenter of the virus, but
that did not mean the rest of the school received a pass. Throughout the
day our couch was frequented by several little people. Cecilia, who is normally a ray of sunshine, looked like rain. I could only get Ragga
to smile instead of laugh. Rustam was tired? In all, we had
about a dozen visitors to the couch and sent about five students home. It
is hard to see children who are not feeling well. It’s an image that
counters expectations and brings out even more of a caring instinct in us.
I hope this virus passes quickly without claiming more victims. For
some reason, I also feel an unexplainable urge to open all the windows the
first chance I get.
The Ugly – I don’t usually have need to use this word.
However, anyone who has cleaned up vomit will probably agree with me on this
Peace Choir Performance – The 2013 Annual
Nittany Knights Barbershop Show, featuring guests, The Reen Family Singers and
our very own State College Friends School Peace Choir, will be held on
Saturday, April 27th. The show will be held at the State
College High School North Auditorium at 7:30 pm. All are encouraged to attend
this very entertaining performance and to support our Peace Choir. For more
information about the performance and tickets, please go to www.nittanyknights.org/tickets2013.htm.
If your child is in Peace Choir, you will receive another email with more
details about rehearsals, dress, tickets, etc.
Soccer – Spring soccer is back! Students in grades 3 through 8 are invited to join Tr. Nick for free clinics on Tuesdays from 3:30 to 4:45. Please check your child’s Friday Folder for more information and a permission form. Permission forms should be completed and returned to the school on Monday.
After School Tennis – After School tennis will also start soon! Tennis will be available for children in Kindergarten through 3rd grade. A flyer and registration information is in your child’s Friday Folder.
Fun Fair – We held our Fun Fair
planning meeting on Wednesday evening, with lots of great energy and ideas. You
will be hearing from us soon with information regarding volunteering (we ask
every family to contribute 4 hours), helping us get out the word throughout the
community, the silent auction, the bake sale and more. The Fun Fair is
scheduled for Saturday, May 4th, and we hope to see everyone there!