Library Display – Art work by our 2nd and 3rd grade students is featured on the Schlow Library bulletin boards this month. Drop by to see the work of our young artists. Thanks to art teacher, Laura Adams for organizing the show.
100 days – I attended part of the 100th Day of School party held in Tr. Lisa’s room this week. To celebrate, the students counted various objects and ate 100. Don’t know how to eat 100? Ask a K/1 student.
Chinese New Year - Special thanks goes to school parents Ying Wang and Yanhua Wang for sharing Chinese New Year customs with the K/1 classes this week. Kerry Wiessmann and Beth Resko coordinated the celebration in Teacher Tim’s 4th grade class, and we send our thanks to them, too.
Open House and Winter Play Day - The Friends School is hosting a Saturday Play Day and Open House for children and parents tomorrow from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. The school’s community room and k/1 classroom will be open for supervised active and imaginative play, and staff and parent volunteers will be available to provide tours of the school and answer questions. All are welcome; be sure to invite friends and neighbors!
Parent Coffee - On Wednesday, February 24 at 8:30 a.m., Dan and Teachers Bailey and Christy will be on hand to answer questions you may have about the current upper school program. Please come and find out more about the how the upper school program incorporates Quaker philosophy and educational practices. This is a perfect opportunity to ask questions and share insights. We’ll meet in the school library.
Parent-Teacher Conferences- Our mid-year parent-teacher conferences are scheduled for Thursday and Friday, March 4 and 5. The conferences are scheduled for 30 minutes and will be held in your child’s classroom. Please call or stop by our front desk to schedule your time. Child care will be available both days from 8 to 5:30. Please let us know by Tuesday, March 2 to register your child.
Re- Enrollment – Parents should have received their re-enrollment letter and form this week. We ask that all parents complete the form and return it to the school office by March 5th. If you have any questions or concerns, please call or stop in to see Mary or Dan.
Science Fair – Check this week’s Friday Folders for the schedule for our March 1 Science Fair. If your child would like to participate, but has not yet returned the participation form, please do so by Monday.
Grocery Cards and Scrip – Don’t forget about our ongoing fundraising efforts through Giant and Weis grocery cards and the Scrip program. So far this year we have raised nearly $1800 from YOUR everyday shopping needs at Giant and Weis as well as hundreds of retailers in the Scrip program. If you have any questions or need a Scrip order form, please contact Diane.
Have a great weekend,