Monday, March 1, 2010

Headlines March 1, 2010

Last Thursday Teacher Sunna’s class said their goodbyes with a shower. Every student decorated a onesie for Sunna’s baby. She was touched by their efforts and by the kindness shown by everyone in the school. We wish her and Russ all the best in the coming months and look forward to meeting the newest member of the family soon.

Rube Goldberg – Teacher Tim’s fourth grade class provided some oohs and ahs on Thursday as the class held its annual Rube Goldberg competition. This year’s task was to crush an aluminum can. This required heavier objects than in previous years and Tim threw in mousetraps for a little extra drama. These elements made for larger movements, louder noises and a certain sense of danger as the groups conceived and implemented unique ways to crush a can using boards, books and bricks. Congratulations to all the students for their efforts.

Friends School Basketball – Our school’s basketball program enjoyed a successful season. This year we joined forces with Nittany Christian and fielded a coed team of 14. We were able to play several games and even won a few. We held our blue/white game on Thursday and I got a kick from watching them coach themselves and play a spirited and supportive game with each other.


Curriculum Night – On Thursday, March 18th we will be holding our annual Family Curriculum Night from 7 to 8 p.m. This year we will be focusing on our social studies/theme curriculum. Teachers are preparing fun activities in each classroom to share with families. All families are invited to visit as many classrooms as they wish and learn about the social studies/theme curriculum at Friends. This is a great activity for everyone. Please come.

Winter Play Day - The Friends School is hosting a Play Day on Saturday, March 13th from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. The school’s community room and k/1 classroom will be open for supervised active and imaginative play and staff will be available to provide tours and answer questions. The event is free and all are welcome.

Open House – Our next Open house is Friday March 19th from 9 to 12 noon. We are asking all parents to help spread the word and are also seeking a few volunteers to help with the tours.

Community Offerings - Spring is coming, with opportunities for quilting, gardening and enjoying organic produce! Tr. Dorothy’s “Quilting Bee with Lunch and Good Company” has been rescheduled to Saturday, March 20. There’s still time to sign up! And we have two Community Offerings, from kindergarten parent Sabine Carey of Full Circle Farms, which will make you realize spring is just around the corner: an organic garden kit that will get you set for your own tasty organic garden in your back yard; and a full CSA farmshare - vegetables, flower and herbs - for the 2010 season. For more information, visit our Community Offerings website and the Full Circle Farms website, or contact Beth Giles,

Spices - Invitations for the SPICES Gala are in the mail. We hope to see you there, Friday, March 26 at 7pm. One of our school parents who attended last year had this to say: “I enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere. It was really great to see people I see regularly but without kids … to have enjoyable conversations and get to know people better. It was a nice casual event with great food, yummy local beers and lots of fun people. It was a great mix of people, some Friends School parents but many from outside the school too.

Calling all Forsythia Forcers! - The decorating committee for SPICES is in need of volunteers to cut three- to four foot lengths of forsythia branches a week and a half ahead of the event (March 15). They will need to be placed in water so that they bloom. We also need vases which are vertical in shape- any size will do. If you are able and/or interested please contact Virginia Belser at 861-0987 or

Re- Enrollment –We ask that all parents complete the form and turn it into the office by March 5th. If you have any questions or concerns, please call or stop in to see Mary or Dan.