Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Headlines, April 9, 2010

What a week! For some reason, spring is always accompanied by an increase in activity at school and this year is no different. We started this week with Grandparents, Friends, and Family Day and ended with the upper school’s creative costume elective class providing a show in the hallways. In between those events were several class field trips, a hot lunch, and our annual Curriculum Night. Thanks to everyone who made this week a special one at the school.

We send special thanks this week to everyone who helped us with a most successful Grandparents, Friends, and Family day. Thanks to the Farahani family for the donation of our Subway lunch, to the parents who helped with set-up and clean-up, to the upper school students who folded and unfolded every table and chair that we own, and to those of you who donated your spring flowers for our table arrangements. We had a wonderful day and we loved hosting such gracious visitors.

Two events that involve some of our staff are on the horizon. Tr. Lisa’s husband, Chris, is performing in Hair this weekend at Schwab Auditorium and Lu Ann Shaffer, our K-4 music instructor, will be directing the Nittany Valley Children’s Choir in a performance on Monday, April 12th, at the Pasquerilla Spiritual Center at 7:30 p.m.


Please come to the Annual Meeting – The Board of Directors will be hosting its annual meeting on Tuesday, April 13th at 7pm. This year’s meeting will focus on developing a vision and strategic plan for the school. Input from the school community is vital to this process and all are encouraged to attend. There will also be an opportunity to meet the board and ask questions about the state of the school. Child care will be available at no charge. Please let us know if your children will be attending.

Open House – Our next Open House is Friday, April 23rd from 9:30 to 12 noon. Please help spread the word. We’ll also be looking for a few volunteers to help with the tours.

Fun Fair – Our annual Fun Fair is approaching quickly! Now is the time to be visualizing warm, sunny weather. Please contact Diane to sign up for your volunteer slot. We can find a job just for you, one that suits both your talents and your schedule. The Fun Fair is scheduled for Saturday, May 1, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. It’s a great day for kids and families, but we need the help of all parents to make it work. If you will be unavailable on the day of the fair, check in with Diane, as there are several pre-fair jobs available as well! Please be part of this year’s fun!

Inservice Day and Child Care – Friday, April is an inservice day for our teachers. There is no school that day, but there will be child care available from 8am to 5:30pm. Please let us know by Wednesday, April 14 if you would like your child to participate in child care for all or part of the day.

Diane would like to attend part of the inservice training that day, and is looking for a volunteer to answer phones from 9am to noon. If needed, child care would be available at no charge.

“Dine In” at Harrisons – Don’t forget about this delicious fundraiser! “Dine In” with Friends School at Harrison’s Wine Grill during the weeks of April 5-17. Bring along friends and family, and enjoy a meal that benefits our school. Harrison’s Wine Grill, which is owned by former school parents and long time Friends School supporters Harrison Schailey and Kit Henshaw, will donate 20% of your check before taxes and tip back to the school. There is no limit to the number of times you can go or the number of people who can join you! Simply mention the Friends School, and you can enjoy your meal even more knowing that you are also helping our school!

May School Lunches – Due to the large number of field trips that are scheduled for Fridays in April and May, we will have to do some juggling of the school lunch schedule. Please check our web site or consult your teacher’s classroom newsletter for details.

Have a safe and enjoyable weekend
