I wish to inform the community that our beloved librarian and assistant teacher, Laura Kemper, has decided to retire after this year. For over eight years, we have enjoyed her company and have been the beneficiaries of her tremendous efforts to make the library more organized and accessible. Laura was responsible for implementing an electronic catalogue system for our collection. While we will miss her here, we are also happy for her as she will now have the opportunity to pursue her other interests.
Art is alive and well at Friends. There is an all-school display in the front lobby entitled “One Fish, Two Fish” that is based on the Dr. Seuss book. There are several imaginative pages and it is worth a look. Also, the 7/8 grade students have painted a “stained glass” mural on our front windows. The Quaker testimonies acronym “SPICES” is creatively painted and defined.
Curriculum Night – We have rescheduled Curriculum Night to April 8th from 7 to 8 p.m. This year we will be focusing on our social studies/theme curriculum. Teachers have fun activities planned and all families…parents and students, too… are invited to visit as many classrooms as they wish during the evening. This is a great way to learn about the social studies/theme curriculum at Friends. Please come.
Annual Meeting – The Board of Directors will be hosting the annual meeting for the school on Tuesday, April 13th at 7pm. This is your chance to meet the board and ask questions about the state of the school. This year’s meeting will focus on developing a vision and strategic plan for the school. Input from the community is vital to this process and all are invited to attend.
Open House – Our next Open house is Friday, April 23rd from 9:30 to 12 noon. Please help spread the word! We’ll also be looking for a few volunteers to help with the tours.
May School Lunches – Due to the large number of field trips that are occurring on Fridays in April and May, we will have to do some juggling of the school lunch schedule. Please consult your teacher’s classroom newsletter for details.