Saturday, March 16, 2013

Headlines  -                              March 15, 2013


Poetry and Pi.  Are they really opposite?
Fire and ice, left and right, or north and south, opposites have their place.  They can serve as distinct choices, defining terms, or opposing endpoints for study.  We discovered a new dichotomy yesterday; poetry and pi.  Yesterday (3/14) was international Pi Day.  Many math teachers, schools and organizations joined together in mutual admiration for the properties of that magical number.  It is the ratio of circle’s circumference to its diameter and is instrumental in determining area.  However, it is also an irrational number which doesn’t repeat and has no end.  Students are fascinated with this mysterious property.  Tr. Tim’s class constructed a paper chain with each link representing a digit in Pi.  It extended from the library to almost the front doors by the end of the day.  Only a few trillion digits to go. 

In the afternoon, our Middle School students held their annual Poetry Slam as part of their language arts program.  It was wonderful to hear the heartfelt and creative poems authored by our students.  The entries ranged from funny descriptions of a Sunday afternoon to the problems of reading scary stories at night to personal accounts of challenges and triumphs.  It was quite a program.  The rest of the school was amazingly attentive and it was remarkable to see the Middle School students encourage each other.  Next year, we have decided to hold a coffee house and Poetry Slam for the parents so that you can see for yourself.

On the same day, an irrational number with mysterious properties can be celebrated alongside Middle School students expressing their own mysteries and irrational properties.  Hey, maybe Poetry and Pi aren’t so far apart. . . .


African Library Project - The African Library Project, being run by the 2/3 and Middle School is nearing its goal.  The bake sale raised over $400.00 towards the $500.00 goal and the boxes of books are piling up.  Our goal is to collect 1,000 gently used books (K-8th grade level) as well as $500.00 to help build a library in Ghana.  If you have any used books at home or spare change that you are willing to give, please bring them in.  Find out more about this incredible community service project at

Science Fair – Our all-school Science Fair is this Monday, March 18th from 6:00 to 7:00 pm.  We expect to have over 60 young scientists presenting their research and experiments.  Set up is early on Monday. Please check your youngest child’s Friday Folder for a schedule and list of participants.  Hope to see you there.
Fun Fair Planning – We will hold an informational and organizational meeting for the 2013 Fun Fair on Tuesday, March 19th from 6:30 – 7:30 pm.  Our annual fair needs all of our parents to participate in order to be successful.  Please come if you can.  Anyone interested in helping and/or sharing ideas is invited. We will provide free pizza and child care at the meeting. Please RSVP.
Differences, Arguments, and Bullying: Another Look at Conflict Resolution. - Our final workshop for the year, offered by the Quaker Life Committee, will be held Thursday, March 21st. All are welcome to join us for this free event beginning with a light supper at 5:00 and the presentation and discussion to follow at approximately 5:45. Kerry Wiessmann will lead the program with video clips and discussion on ways to resolve situations of conflict.  Bring your questions! Free child care will be available. Please RSVP for supper and child care.

Summer Camps are Filling Quickly! – Each summer, Friends School offers a wonderful array of summer camp weeks, and as usual, they are filling quickly. Our Wee Friends Camps for children ages 3 – 5 are about half-full, and Theater Camps are all full. Kids Camps for children in grades K-5 are getting close; some weeks have only 4 openings! Brochures were sent home several weeks ago, or you can find a brochure and registration form on our web site.