Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Headlines_____________                          December 20, 2013

Today we gathered together to celebrate the holidays.  Many religions and cultures celebrate at this time of year.  There is Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanza among others.  Like the celebration of the winter solstice, many of these holidays feature light as an integral part.  Growing up Catholic, I still remember lighting the advent candles each week in the month prior to Christmas and placing the star at the top of our tree on Christmas Day.  Now, as someone who has been in Friends School for a number of years, I cannot help but notice how the light shines in our school.

I see it each morning when doors are held open for the next person.  I see it when one of my math students, gets out of her chair, not to create mayhem, but to help another student with a problem without being asked.  I see it when I witness a student sticking up for herself, and the transgressor, after learning of his misstep, immediately and sincerely apologizes.  I hear it in the protest songs written by our middle school students; songs about hate and war and helping others.  I see it in a whole class taking responsibility to thank another class for their work and help.  I see it in our teachers as they bake treats, help students make gifts, and perform so many extra duties at this time of year.  I see it in our parents as they help in classrooms, assist in all school events and interact with our children.

Thankfully, we are not alone. The light is there in the faces and actions of many adults, children and families.  I believe that, because the light grows shorter at this time of year, we all feel the need to let it shine more in ourselves to help balance the scales.  Quakers use the term the “light” as an equivalent for a higher power and believe that everyone should strive to “walk in the light” during their life’s journey.  I have always admired the universality of this metaphor and during this season of light, I would encourage everyone to look around, find the light in others and let it shine from you.  Kindness begets kindness and it just needs to start somewhere.  Please join me in being a catalyst and may it last throughout the year. 

Have a great break.

Announcements and Reminders

School Survey – So far we have had a good response to our school survey.  Over 40 families have taken the time (~15 minutes) to complete it.  We have learned a lot so far and are anxious to learn more.  Your confidential feedback will provide us with valuable information about our school and how we can better serve our community.  Please let us hear your voice.  You can find the online survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/SCFSAnnualSurvey2013.

Open Houses – We have set our dates for open houses during the winter months.  January’s dates are as follows:

K- 8                 Friday, January 10,               10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Pre-K              Saturday, January 18,           9:30 – 12:00 noon

Quintessential Quakerism – This is a series of workshops provided members of the State College Friends Meeting designed to introduce and inform participants about the Quaker faith and how the testimonies influence personal choices.  The first of three sessions begins on Saturday, January 18th from 2-4:00 pm.  Look for more information in Friday folders and via emails.

MLK Day – Martin Luther King Day is a special day at Friends and this year is no exception.  On Monday, January 20th  we plan to have an all-school meeting for worship at the Friends Meetinghouse in the morning and enjoy a performance of King in Montgomery in the community room at 1pm,  The performance will be presented by our middle school and features songs and scenes that will definitely lift your spirits. An evening performance will also be given at the school.  Please make plans to attend. 

Bring a Friend to School Day - On Friday, January 17th, when the local school district is closed, guests of our students are welcome to stay for the whole day, or just a part.  More information about this special day will be provided after the holiday break.

Free Winter Play Days – On Saturdays Jan 25th, February 8th and March 1st, from 9:30 to 11:30 AM The Friends School is hosting Winter Play Days for children from 3-7 years old.  The school‘s community room and a K/1 classroom will be open for supervised active and imaginative play.  This is a great opportunity to bring a friend to the school and enjoy a morning out of the cold.  All are welcome, so please help spread the word to friends and neighbors.