Monday, January 21, 2013

Headlines  -                            January 17, 2013

This morning’s Letters to the Editor section in the CDT was a dilly.  There were four letters.  The first writer was convinced that the president and the news media were in cahoots and somehow planning to overthrow America.  Another writer saw fit to blame all the people who worked with children at the Second Mile for not reporting Sandusky and also for the firing of Joe Paterno. The third letter railed against abortion rights, while the final letter heaped further shame on Penn State’s Board of Trustees.  After reading (skimming actually, I can only take so much) these letters, one could get the impression that there is a lot of anger in this world, that conspiracy and ill will abound, and that there is no room for compromise.  It left me saddened.

I wish that these writers could see what I see every day at Friends School.  I wish they could experience our students arriving in the morning with their smiles and greetings.  I wish they could see the acts of caring and kindness that our students perform every day in the classroom and at recess.  I wish they could see the way they easily integrated visiting students during Bring a Friends to School Day.  I wish these adults could witness the joy of Reading Buddies and experience the energy of the hallways during dismissal.  It could give them a more positive perspective.  The energy and laughter is infectious. By observing our students, they might begin to understand the importance of listening, of speaking their truth and of being open to compromise.  I wonder if their letters would change in tone, from anger to concern, from hate to civility, from intolerance to understanding?  I can hope.



Open House and Play Day. – Tomorrow,  January 19th, Friends Schoolhouse will be hosting a winter play day and an Open House.  Parents of future pre-schoolers are invited to bring themselves and their children to the Schoolhouse at 611 E. Prospect Ave.  While the children are invited to join in supervised play, parents will have the opportunity to tour the facility, ask questions and learn about our program.  Time is from 9:30 to 12:00 noon.

Martin Luther King Day – Our school will be celebrating MLK this year with an All-school Meeting For Worship at the Friends Meeting House on Monday.  Our school will board buses at 8:45 and arrive at the meeting about 9:00 am.  We will hold a short meeting for worship that will be followed by a tribute to Dr. King and singing of some civil rights songs.  All parents are invited to meet us at the Meeting house and participate in this ceremony.

Sing for King - SING! Alumni, parents, grandparents, friends are invited to join us in singing songs to celebrate the life and work of Martin Luther King, Jr. We will gather on Monday, January 21st from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at Friends Meetinghouse, 611 East Prospect Ave. This informal event is best suited for adults and older students interested in singing.

Financial Aid: - Recently, information regarding our financial aid application process was mailed to families who applied this year. If you would like to apply for aid for the 2013-14 school year and have not received the information, please be in touch with Mary for application materials. The deadline for applications is February 16.

Quaker Friends Day – On Friday February 1st, members of the State College Friends Meeting will be visiting our classrooms.  Each Quaker will meet the class, share lessons and discuss what being a Quaker means to them.  We look forward to bringing our school and meeting together. 

Snow Days, Delayed Openings, and Early Dismissals On days when snow, ice or other conditions might make for hazardous travel, parents should check local TV and radio stations for news of school closings or delays.  We try to make a determination by 6:30 AM and post information on WPSU, WJAC-TV, most local radio stations, and on our answering machine (237-8386).  Since we ride the same busses, we will usually follow the lead of the State College Area School District.  In the case of early dismissal, the school will contact parents with a phone call or email.  Parents who drop off their students are responsible for arranging transportation home. 

"Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe"
H. G. Wells

Dan Hendey
Head of School