Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Headlines - October 19, 2012

Headlines  -                                               October 19, 2012

Dan and Mary were away today as it’s an in-service day for teachers.  I was the first to arrive. (I wish Mary had been the first one here because I like the way she makes the coffee.  I also like to see Dan’s door open because he always says ‘good morning’ in such an energetic way.)  I made the coffee, turned on the lights and copier, and settled in to arrange the day’s work. 

Diane and our childcare team arrived shortly after me, and then students, one by one, until the community room was echoing with the waking voices of about a dozen children running circles.  As they quieted down to work on the puzzles and other things laid out for them, I realized how still the school felt this morning.  Teachers arrived and were tucked away working on student progress reports. There were no greetings to Teacher Mary who’s usually waiting at the front desk first thing in the morning.  No sounds of clomping feet and nylon backpacks swishing against windbreakers as students file in from their busses.  I could hear the clock ticking in my office and the buzz of an overhead light.  I felt almost lonely.

Having picked up my copy of a notebook that Dan distributed at the teacher in-service yesterday on The Responsive Classroom, I noticed its title, Quakerism – A Resource Manual for Small Friends Schools.  I opened to the Table of Contents: Meeting for Worship.  That was it.  That’s what was missing at school today.  On this dreary fall morning in such an empty space, I was missing the energy and joy of our Friday all-school Meeting for Worship.  The paragraph describing Meeting for Worship states, “In Friends schools Meeting for Worship has the potential to be the center of the school experience for students and staff and a time of great learning and growth.” 

Only seven weeks into the school year, I do already notice something special about our weekly time together.  Sitting in stillness.  Resting in thought.  The sweetness of singing as a group.  Looking directly at someone and saying, “good day.”  It satisfies such a basic human need.   I went to the Community Room to see if anyone wanted to sing with me.  They were all outside, chasing one another and a big white yoga ball down the field.  So instead, I poured some coffee  and sat in silence in my office for just a short while before getting on with the work of the day, including writing this issue of Headlines.  I thought about Dan and Mary, and the teachers and all the students who stayed home in their pajamas or maybe went to their parents’ offices, and I smiled to myself as I sent a silent, satisfying thought, “Good Day.”

Lori Pacchioli, Director of Development


Movie NightThere’s still time to RSVP for Tuesday’s Movie Night, hosted by the school’s Quaker Life Committee.  Join us at 5:00 for a light supper, followed by the movie Mother Nature’s Child - Growing Outdoors in the Media Age.  This hour-long film was part of this year’s Outdoor Environmental Film Festival and explores nature’s powerful role in children’s health and development through the experience of toddlers, children in middle childhood, and adolescents. This film asks and seeks to answer the question: Why do children need unstructured time outside?   A short discussion will follow.  Child care will be provided for the young ones, and attentive children are invited to attend the film with their family.  (http://www.mothernaturesmovie.com/).

Pumpkin Painting Party for Pre-K to 3rd Grade - All Pre-K – 3rd grade families and friends are invited to the school on Friday, October 26th from 5:30 – 7:30 pm for a pumpkin painting party.  The Community Room will be open for families to come and decorate pumpkins, eat pizza, and get into the Halloween spirit.  Pizza will be available to purchase.   Pumpkins and decoration materials such as paint, fabric and paper will be on hand for your use. Please RSVP so we’re sure to have plenty of pumpkins, pizza and people on hand to help!

Halloween – Halloween has always been a special holiday at Friends and this year will be no different.  Wednesday, October 31st will be our day of celebration.  Children are encouraged to bring their costumes to school with them.  After lunch, the younger grades will change into their costumes, then parade through Foxdale Village.  A Monster Mash in the Community Room will follow the parade and classroom parties will end our day.  It will be an action- packed afternoon and parents are encouraged to join in the fun. 

S.P.I.C.E.S. - Sunday, November 11th from 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. at The Atherton Hotel.  Tickets are available now for S.P.I.C.E.S., a social and silent auction to raise money for the school’s Annual Fund.  A suggested donation of $40 to $60 a ticket makes this event an affordable evening of friends, community, music and food.  Free childcare will be available for parents attending the event. 

Pizza Fridays - Pizza Fridays are a popular lunch alternative at our school in October, November and December.  Please return the order form sent home to all families last week by Monday, October 22. If you need a blank form, there is one attached to this email.