Monday, March 21, 2011


Headlines - March 18, 2011

Our weeks are full of little observations and interactions. This week I did not get the opportunity to spend a lot of time in any one classroom but did experience the school through many small interactions. While many moments pass and are soon forgotten, others are held because they provide a smile or remind us of our better selves. I’d like to share some of these snippets from the week at Friends.

* Watching Mattie and Melica searching with magnifying glasses for signs of leprechauns in the hallway.
* Seeing other students racing on the playground to discover more leprechaun signs.
* Coaching our final basketball practice with the upper school students and marveling on how much they have improved since our first meeting.
* Hearing the whole school sing Kum baya with new lyrics written by Anna N.; “Let’s be peaceful, Whole wide world.”
* Giving students Sam S. and Shant K. wheelbarrow rides as part of the 4th grade’s study of levers.
* Seeing ducks return to the koi pond and knowing this is a sign that spring is coming.
* Reviewing with Dungan the odds for the NCAA tournament and deciding that betting doesn’t usually pay. Although 5000 to 1 is tempting.
* Shelving heavy boxes for an hour in the food bank with 5 middle school students and not hearing complaints.
* Seeing students walking through the school arm in arm every day, all the time.

These are just a few of the moments each week with which I am rewarded and I invite you to come to school and gather your own momentss


Free Winter Play Day – Tomorrow from 9:30 to 11:30 AM Friends School is hosting a Saturday Play Day for children from 3-7 years old. This is a great opportunity to bring a friend to the school and enjoy a morning of play. Refreshments and snacks will be served. All are welcome.

Visiting Author
– Sam Swope, Sam’s uncle and author of children’s books, will be visiting the school on Friday, April 1. He will give an all-school assembly in the morning and will visit individual classrooms the rest of the day.

Everybody Writes Day – This new event for our school is scheduled for Monday, April 4th. We have several surprises for this all-day event that link into a national effort to encourage and support writing in schools.

Poetry Slam
– On April 14th, the middle school students will be presenting their annual poetry slam for the school community. Student-created poems and raps will be presented in faux coffee house atmosphere.

“Let’s be peaceful, whole wide world”
