Friday, June 17, 2011

Graduation and some important news

It’s a long one but worth the read . . . .

A Fitting Ceremony
- Preparations for graduation kept us busy during the last week of school. It was a lovely ceremony and the speeches given by our graduates, Katicia Sakona and Kenneth Vasey, were heartfelt and moving. Mary gave a wonderful talk about her time at the front desk this year and so many parents pitched in to make the room look especially festive. Graduation never seems to disappoint.

Busy, Busy - Despite the arrival of summer break, it has been busy around here. Last week we had a full slate of in-service meetings with our teaching staff. During those meetings we debriefed the previous year and planned ahead for next year. A exciting piece of news is our plan to add Chinese to our curriculum. Look for more information later.

Summer Camp -
Camp started this week and we are all having a great time. This year’s camps are exciting with many opportunities to make new friends. There are still a few opening in selected weeks. . .

Academic Success - In April, a standardized math thinking test was given to all 5th grade students in the State College School District. State College Friends School had the highest average score among all schools in the district. According to the results we received, the classes’ average score was double the average for the school district.

The State College High School Honor Roll for the third marking period has been posted and I am happy to report that 70% of our graduates are on the High Honor Roll. In addition, 71% of students who attended Friends for 4 or more years were named to the Honor Roll for this marking period. We would also like to congratulate State College High School Valedictorian Christoph Schlom. Chirstoph is an alum who studied Algebra with me while he was in the sixth grade. His knowledge, ability, and work ethic were impressive then and still are today. Along with being his class’s scholar and a National Merit Finalist, Christoph helped the State College Academic Quiz Bowl Team take home their first national title. We wish him all the best next year at Princeton.

Teacher News - I am pleased to announce that Assistant Teacher Elli Bragg is expecting a baby this December. If baby cooperates, Elli will begin the school year with us and work through the Thanksgiving break. Then she will be staying at home with her child and continue her graduate studies as a reading specialist. We wish her the best and will continue to monitor water at that end of the building as this will be the fourth baby associated with the 2/3 classrooms in as many years.

Pre-School News –
We are pleased to announce that Lynne Bradley is joining our school family as the Director of our Pre-School. Lynne has over 15 years of experience in childcare, most recently at the Montessori School of Nittany Valley where she worked for 6 years as a lead teacher. Lynne also has experience training and supervising other pre-school teachers and has served as Director of Childcare Services for several YMCAs in New Jersey and Connecticut. Lynne is certified in Pennsylvania as a Childcare Director and holds a degree in Early Childhood Education. Lynne will be starting this July and working with the rest of us to get the program and facility into shape for our grand opening this August.

Summer Mailings
–As always, you can expect a packet of information from the school to arrive in your mailbox this August. This packet will include a parent handbook, forms to complete, a class list and a letter from me. You will also receive a letter and information from your child’s teacher this summer. It will either be included in the school mailing or will arrive separately. Please look for them this August.

I wish you all a wonderful summer. Please stay cool and don’t forget to read.