Monday, February 6, 2012

Friday Fun and Announcements

Headlines - February 3, 2012

Fridays at Friends
- Last week, as I was writing about events and sadness in the State College community, wonderful things were transpiring at Friends School.

In the library, Teacher Dorothy and Lisa’s K/1 classes were treated to a demonstration and lesson in African dance. Brittney Diesel, our preschool assistant teacher, and her drummer friend introduced the students to some African dance moves and rhythms and then invited everyone to join them. A lot of gyrating energy was expended as the kids worked to master the moves. Needless to say, the dancing was enjoyed by all. Simultaneously, the middle school was learning the intricacies of the Chinese New Year parade. Our music instructor, Teacher Ann Clements, invited one of her grad students to instruct our students on the synchronized drum rhythms and movements of the dragon in the New Year parades. Later in the afternoon, a group of musicians, from the Nittany Valley Symphony paid the school a visit. Under the director of conductor Michael Jinbo, they played some classical pieces and introduced students to various instruments that make up an orchestra. Our Spanish teacher, Cathy Herrera, is also a flutist with the symphony, and she played some wonderful pieces with her friends. One of students even got a chance to lead the orchestra. All this occurred on a single Friday afternoon. If this keeps up we will have to add “School for the Arts” to our name.

This Friday promises to be more pedestrian. After all, it’s only Pajama Day and hot lunch…and…


Summer Camp: While many of you have been trying to figure out what happened to winter, some of us have been busy making plans for summer. We’ve got exciting news about our Sumer Camp Program.

This year, Teacher Becky Conner will be joined by Teacher Michelle Rainey as a co-director for our Kids Camps. Aileen Querry will return to lead Theater Camp, and Brittney Diesel will be back with the preschoolers at Wee Friends Camp.

Brochures are included in Friday Folders of our K-4th students. If you don’t receive yours or if you want extras for friends, just let us know. You can also see the brochure and download a registration form from our web site. Remember that many of our camps fill up quickly, so please register early!

Seed Sale
: Have you had a chance to look at the seed order form that came home in last week’s Friday Folder? If not, please take a moment to do so. Teacher Lisa & Nancy’s K/1 class is selling Fedco seeds again this year to raise funds for Oxfam. Information and order forms are due Monday, February 6. If you need more forms, they’re available at the front desk, or you can find them online at: (mixed seeds) or (organic seeds)

Emailing Friends School
: Please use our address when emailing us to change after-school plans, ask for information, or any time you have some general correspondence need. If you use staff members’ personal email addresses for this type of correspondence, you run the risk of it not being read in time. Although Diane and Dan and Mary and Lori are usually at school, there’s the occasional day when one of them isn’t and we don’t want to take the chance of your email being unread.

Inservice Days Next Week
– Please remember that next Thursday and Friday, February 9th and 10th, are inservice days for our teachers. Although there will be no school for the children, inservice day child care is available from 8:00am to 5:30pm. If you would like your children to participate in child care for part or all of these days, please call or email the school before Tuesday, February 7th to register them.

Pet Food Drive – Two of our 5th graders, Lui and Sequoia, have organized a pet food drive for their community service activity. Donations are being taken until the end of February, and can be left in the bin in the front lobby of the school. Some particular things they are asking for are Royal Cain cat, kitten, dog and puppy food (wet or dry); scoopable cat litter; cat beds; dog biscuits (no bones, pig ears, or raw hides); creamy peanut butter; large plush toys; and paper towels or tissues.

Free Winter Play Days
– On Saturday February 18th we will be hosting a Winter Play Day and Open House at Friends School. From 9:30 to 11:30 the school’s community room and a K/1 classroom will be open for supervised active and imaginative play for children from 3-7 years old. Parents and administrators will be on hand to give interested families a tour of the school and answer any questions they may have regarding Friends School and the admissions process. Friends Schoolhouse will also be open from 9:30 to 11:30 for families interested in seeing the preschool and learning more about enrollment. This is a great opportunity to bring a friend to the school and enjoy a morning out of the cold. Refreshments and snacks will be served. All are welcome. Another Play Day is scheduled for Saturday, March 17th.

Open Houses – Our Admissions open houses are scheduled for the following dates and times.
Date Time Notes

Sat., Feb. 18th 9:30 -11:30 am Winter Play Day/Friends School (K-8) Open House/– 1900 University Drive ………………………………………………Friends Schoolhouse Open House – 611 E. Prospect Ave.

Fri., March 23rd 10:00 – 1:00 pm Friends School (K-8) Open House – 1900 University Drive

Please tell your friends and encourage them to take a tour.

Annual Meeting - The annual meeting of the school’s Board of Trustees is Wednesday, February 22nd from 6 – 7:00 pm. The annual meeting will include a State of School presentation by the Head of School. There will also be ample opportunity for parents and interested parties to ask questions of the board and the administration about school, program, functions and finances. Refreshments will be served. All are invited.

Financial Aid
- Information about the financial aid application process was sent (in the mail) to families who currently receive assistance. Contact Mary if you need that information but didn’t receive it. The deadline for applying for financial aid is February 27.

Enjoy the game this weekend.
