Headlines - January 20, 2012
As I write we are in the middle of a delayed opening and there is snow on the ground. I am not a big fan of winter, but this weather feels right to me for mid-January.
On Thursday morning, I had the opportunity to take a brief ½ hour tour of the school and this is what I observed:
At 9:45 am., I stepped into Tr. Becky’s 2/3 classroom and was surprised to find fifth grade students Anna, Caitlin, and Seveta, presenting a lesson on friendship with Tr. Sam. The girls had a large paper doll and were demonstrating to Becky’s class how mean words can “tear” a person (and a friendship) up. The rest of the lesson focused on building friendships and how to share feelings with others. Like the best teachers, the fifth graders asked good questions, listened and recorded answers, and even redirected behaviors when appropriate. For each suggestion the 2/3 students shared on how to repair and improve friendships, pieces of the doll were taped back together. The fifth grade students were very poised and sincere and Tr. Becky’s students thoroughly enjoyed the lesson. I left the room, filled with pride, as a father and head of school.
At 10:00 am., I headed down to the middle school. In Tr. Bailey’s science class, I received a big surprise. The 7/8 science class was cleaning up from a comparative anatomy class. It seems Tinka (classroom parent and local farmer) had a sheep butchered this week and asked the butcher to save the organs. She and Bailey displayed the various parts on the tables and the class was then able to inspect the lungs, heart, intestines and stomach. At Friends, we realize that anatomy can be a sensitive subject, so while all students were encouraged to put on gloves and participate, they could also choose to watch from the sidelines. Later, students were asked to compare these organs to our human models. What a wonderful opportunity. I know there were will be many students who will remember this lesson for a lifetime.
That ended my ½ hour tour of the school. All this in 30 minutes. We have a truly remarkable school. While not every tour may find such unique lessons, I am sure that everyone will find classrooms full of dedicated students, awesome teachers and parents who care. Please come in for your own tour.
Hello and Good-bye – Please join me in welcoming new student Kamran Perymon Manuel to Teacher Lisa’s K/1 classroom. Kamran and his mom Amber are recent transplants from Florida.
We also bid a good-bye to Joanna White who will be accompanying her family on a semester-long sabattical adventure to Australia beginning next week. Joanna hopes to return in time for the graduation ceremony (with lots of stories to share).
The Cat in the Hat and All That – The K-5 classes will be attending ‘Seussical’ at Eisenhower on Monday.
Nurses’ Visit - The State College School District nurses will visit on Tuesday. They’ll do vision, hearing, dental and color blindness screenings. They’ll also check height and weight, and do scoliosis checks with older students.
Conflict Resolution Workshop – The School’s Quaker Life Committee will be hosting a community discussion on conflict resolution on Tuesday, January 24th beginning at 5:30 pm. It will include a panel presentation followed by a group discussion. Panel members include K/1 Tr. Dorothy Habecker, Head of School Dan Hendey, and parent Kerry Weismann. The evening will begin with a simple meal for all at 5:30 pm and end by 7:30 pm. Child care will be provided. Please call the school to reserve your spot. All are invited.
Open Houses – Our Admissions open houses are scheduled for the following dates and times.
Date Time Notes
Tues., Jan 31st 6:00 – 7:00 pm Middle School Open House – 1900 University Drive
Sat., Feb. 18th 9:30 -11:30 am Friends School (K-8) Open House/ Winter Play Day – 1900 University Drive
Fri., March 23rd 10:00 – 1:00 pm Friends School (K-8) Open House – 1900 University Drive
Please tell your friends and encourage them to take a tour.
Financial Aid - Information about the financial aid application process was sent (in the mail) this week to families who currently receive assistance. Contact Mary if you need that information but didn’t receive it. The deadline for applying for financial aid is February 27.
Have a great weekend and enjoy the snow.