Headlines - Nov 4, 2011
New traditions
I am happy to report that our first annual pumpkin painting party was a success. We had over 100 children and parents from the Schoolhouse and school enjoy an evening of conversation, fun, pizza, and pumpkins. Thanks to all the parents who donated pumpkins and gourds to the cause. Thanks also go to Tr. Lori and Brittany for their help in organizing the party and leading the children in Halloween dances.
Halloween did look a little different at this year. There was no elaborately decorated hall and Baba Yaga was confined to the library, a place that made her very uncomfortable. However, the children definitely enjoyed the parade, dance, and classroom parties. The middle school students did a great job of decorating the community room and cleanup was completed by 3:00 pm. The teachers and administrators certainly appreciated the fact that Halloween was a one day event at school and we could all go out and enjoy some trick or treating later in the evening.
SPICES OF LIFE GALA - Sunday, November 6th
Please join new and returning families for State College Friends School's annual "friend raising" and fund raising event, November 6th from 4:00 - 7:00 at the Atherton Hotel, downtown State College. SPICES is our Friends School celebration of the Quaker testimonies of simplicity, peace, integrity, community, equality, and stewardship.
Thankful Tuesday – Please make plans to join us for our Thankful Tuesday celebration on November 22. We begin with lunch with your students in the classroom and then we all enjoy classroom presentations in the community room beginning at noon. As with most school celebrations, we end with some singing. It is a wonderful warm event and I hope you can join us. Afterwards, parents can choose to take their students home if they need an early jump on the Thanksgiving travels.
Don’t forget to turn the clocks back on Saturday night and to vote on Tuesday.