Monday, October 10, 2011

Too Much Fun

Headlines - October 7, 2011

Some weeks here are so fun that I just have to offer snippets to give you a sense of the many wonderful things I witness each week.

I accompanied the 5th grade and middle school to the Renaissance Faire on Tuesday. During the fire juggling demonstration, the performer asked for volunteers and I was heartened and terrified when all the students pointed at me. I was also proud of the way our students “comported” themselves throughout the day. The fifth graders made a friend of one of the peasants and had him sit with us for lunch. He became our new friend and I think he was very pleased with the questions from our students.

Shant and Sam were at it again, and yesterday I had the pleasure of riding in their new and improved cart. At the top of the sledding hill, I grew apprehensive as I was locked into the cockpit by some last minute struts. The ride was fast, but manageable. I emerged unscathed and thanked them profusely.

On Thursday, Serena and Sage spotted me with a pencil in my mouth. I insisted that it was part of my mustache but they would have none of it. They told me it was against the rules and they wrote a note to Teacher Mary. Needless to say, Mary spoke to me this morning and I was in the doghouse for not being safe.

It’s a beautiful afternoon and our field day is in full swing. The middles schoolers are leading mixed- age groups of students in relays and games such as musical dots, and Duck, Duck, Goose. Every year this tradition helps all of our students to come together and make new friends. It’s really nice to see the interaction between the younger and older kids.


Pot-luck Supper –Thank you to all the families who participated in our annual pot-luck supper. It was a very nice evening and the spread of food was amazing. These all-school events help to build our community.

Halloween – Halloween has always been a special holiday at Friends and many of us wonder how it got so over-the-top. The burden of preparation seems to fall on fewer and fewer each year and with the closing of the Haunted Granary (the source of most of our decorations), we feel it is time to establish some new simpler traditions. Halloween will look different this year. Monday, October 31st will be our day of celebration. We will retain some traditional events such as the Foxdale parade and classroom parties and add some new ones. Look for more information soon.

Anat Cohen Quartet – The school just received two tickets to the Anat Cohen Quartet concert on Thursday, October 27th at Schwab Auditorium. These tickets will be given to the first family to donate $100.00 to our Annual Fund.

Inservice Days – Reminder - Monday and Tuesday, October 10th and 11th are inservice days for our faculty and there will be no school for our students. Children who have registered to participate in the inservice child care program should bring along a lunch and snacks for the morning and the afternoon. And, they should be dressed appropriately for outdoor play.

Spices - Our annual SPICES social and silent auction is just around the corner. Please make plans to join us on Sunday, November 6th from 5:30 – 7:30 PM. Look for more information in today’s Friday folder.

Please enjoy the weather this weekend.
