Saturday, April 23, 2011

Earth Day and our Community

Headines______________ April 22, 2011

Earth Day – Well, the weather has not been too cooperative today. We chose a longer Meeting for Worship focusing on caring for the earth instead of trying to navigate torrential streams and cold this morning. Afterwards, Sarah Koenig, Ava’s mom, shared a personal story about the naming of Earth Day. Sarah’s father was an advertising copywriter in the late sixties when he was contacted by the senator of Wisconsin regarding an environmental teach-in. The organizers were searching for a good name for the event. It was scheduled for April 22nd and since that was his birthday, he made the intuitive leap from birth day to “Earth Day”. He presented and they loved it. Later, they ran the full page ad in the NY Times and Earth Day was born.

A Community of Learners - Most weeks I write about some of the great things your students accomplish at school, but this week I am reminded that we are a community of learners.
Last Friday, our teaching staff went on an in-service trip to Media-Providence Friends School located outside of Philadelphia. Our teachers enjoyed a morning of observing classrooms of their counterparts at another Friends School. After lunch we all learned about Media’s Quaker Education program. It was a long journey but very beneficial for the chance to observe other teachers and develop some camaraderie among our staff.
This week we also held a two-night Quaker parenting workshop for our adult community. Over twenty parents attended each night and learned about the relationship between our values and beliefs, and how they can inform our parenting choices. We each learned the importance of being clear about our family’s values and the need to have discussions regarding our parenting, and the values we want our children to have in the future. There is talk of forming a parenting group in our community. We will keep you informed.

Grandparents and Special Friends Day - Please make plans to join us this Monday, April 25th for this annual event. From 9 to 11:30 am, grandparents and friends are invited into the classroom to enjoy a day at school with your special friend. At noon, after recess, guests are invited to enjoy a buffet lunch in the community room where they will be serenaded by our school’s Peace Choir. This is always a fun day at school and we look forward to seeing you here.

Open House – The school will be hosting an Open House for grades K-8 on Friday, April 29th from 10 am till 1 pm. This is for anyone who may be interested in finding out more about Friends education and the program we offer. Please share this date.

Fun Fair - We can guarantee the FUN part…but we really need everyone to think sunshine for the Fun Fair on May 7! Please check your child’s Friday Folder for flyers that you can post to help us spread the word about this much loved Friends School tradition. And remember, word of mouth is ALWAYS the best form of advertising, so be sure to share the information with friends and neighbors.

Friendly Fun Reminders…

Ø Fun Fair Prizes and Silent Auction items can be dropped off at the front desk. Don’t forget about the Bake Sale. What family favorite will you choose to contribute to the sale this year?
Ø We will assemble the food booths this Saturday from 4 to 7. Feel free to stop by and lend a hand!
Ø We are looking for people to help distribute additional flyers throughout our local communities. Please let Diane know if you can help out!
Ø And of course…if you haven’t returned your volunteer form, please be sure to do so as soon as possible.

Summer Camp – Tr. Becky is planning an incredible summer filled with lots of nature activities, games, art, music, field trips, swimming and more. We have amazing staff hired, and the camps filling quickly. Theater camps are full, and only a few spots remain in some of the Kids Camps and Wee Friends Camps. We really hope to see many of our school families for some summer fun!

Enjoy the weekend.
