Headlines - February 18, 2010
Saturday Edition
It has been a busy week at school. It’s Saturday and I am just finding time to put Headlines together. However, I am not alone. As I write the rest of the administration is here. Diane is monitoring the Play Day and Mary and Lori are here, along with a cadre of parents, giving tours of the school. My awe of your children and what they are capable of is often matched by the efforts and dedication of our staff, teachers and parents to fulfill the mission of our school.
On Friday, Tr. Nick was attending a professional development workshop and I had the opportunity to be the substitute in my daughter’s classroom. What a great time! It was a ball to teach 4th graders math and science and. I was amazed at the attitude and helpfulness of all the students as they led me through their daily routines. I sure I did as much learning as I did teaching. I would encourage every parent to experience the school from inside the classroom. We are always looking for parents who wish to substitute or teach in the classroom. See Mary or me if you wish to have the opporuntiy.
Open Houses – Our next Open House is for the Pre-K program at the Friends School House
Friday February 25th 12 noon – 3:00 pm
(Friends Meeting House Annex - site of Cooperative Playschool)
Seed Sale for Oxfam - Thanks to everyone who ordered seeds to support Tr. Lisa’s class fund raising efforts for Oxfam. Next Friday, February 25 is the last day to turn in orders. If you need more order forms, stop by Diane's desk or let Teacher Lisa know, and she will get them to you. Happy gardening!
Help Needed - You are invited to take part in an initiative to “Promote Safety, Pride, and Respect” in State College on February 26th (State Patty’s Day). Many members of the local community, including State College Friends Meeting, neighborhood associations, student organizations, churches, and local government, are planning to provide a sober presence downtown to create a positive atmosphere. Go to www.statecollegepa.us and click the link to “Community Outreach Volunteers” to register.
Focus on Strong Families Conference - This annual event will take place on Saturday February 26th at the Mt. Nittany Middle School. The conference provides family oriented sessions focusing on today’s greatest parenting challenges. More details and a link are on our website. (www.scfriends.org)
Free Winter Play Day – On Saturday, March 19th, from 9:30 to 11:30 AM Friends School is hosting Saturday Play Days for children from 3-7 years old. The school‘s Community Room and a K/1 classroom will be open for supervised active and imaginative play. This is a great opportunity to bring a friend to the school and enjoy a morning of play. Refreshments and snacks will be served. All are welcome. Please contact the school at (814) 237-8386.
Enjoy your weekend