Headlines - January 21, 2010
We are a party school. Not in the sense that you may first think of but in a more important way. Today there is an Author’s Party in the K/1 classroom. The middle school will be having their second sleep over at school tonight, and there were three birthday parties in classrooms this week. On Monday, we had and all-school party for Dr. King’s birthday with meeting for worship, singing, and cupcakes. While parties can be fun they have another purpose for us. Parties help to recognize milestones and build community among our students. As a Quaker school we are intentional in our efforts to build a warm and supportive community. Our teachers are deeply committed to developing community in the classroom (would you volunteer to chaperone a middle school sleep over?). We all believe that being part of a community is important to the well-being of every child. Over the years, I have also come to admire the efforts of our parent community to support the classroom communities outside of school. Your efforts to be inclusive (and discreet when it is not possible) are appreciated.
Congratulations to Noelle Boyd and Noah Belser. These alums were among the winners of the annual MLK Essay Writing contest this year. Noelle’s essay took first place and was reprinted in the CDT this week.
Free Winter Play Days – This Saturday we will be hosting our first winter play day from 9:30 to 11:30 AM for children from 3-7 years old. The school‘s Community Room and a K/1 classroom will be open for supervised active and imaginative play. This is a great opportunity to bring a friend to the school and enjoy a morning out of the cold. Refreshments and snacks will be served. All are welcome.
Eat and Donate - Harrison’s “Dine In” to benefit State College Friends School takes place January 24th through February 6th. Join friends or take the family for a delicious meal and SCFS receives a percentage of the check. Please check our website for more info in the Friday folders and spread the word. (Gift Cards also available).
Quaker Quest – A Quaker Quest session will be held this Sunday evening January 23rd, from 4:00-6:30 p.m. The second session will address the topic: How do Quakers worship? Refreshments and child care will be provided. All are welcome to join in at the State College Friends Meetinghouse, 611 E. Prospect Street, in State College, PA. For further information call Dana Mitra, at 814-234-8966
Open Houses –The Friends School will be hosting Open Houses for our Pre-K and K-8th programs this winter. Here are the next scheduled events.
Pre-K program at the Friends Meeting House Annex (site of Cooperative Playschool, 611 E. Prospect Ave.)
Wednesday, February 2nd 9:00 AM – noon
K-8 program at the Friends School
Saturday February, 19th 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Summer Youth Fair – On Saturday, February 5th, Friends School along with over 25 other organizations will be on hand to distribute information and answer questions about upcoming summer camp and class programs. It’s your opportunity to do one-stop information gathering for the summer. Mt. Nittany Middle School - 10 AM – 2 PM.